Research Topics

In our interdisciplinary working group we study and teach physical properties of minerals and rocks from atomic to global scale. Our main research topics are:

Physical Properties of Minerals and Rocks
Logging Tools
Computational Geodynamics


Laser Flash Apparatus (LFA)
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
Logging Tools
CO2 Borehole Research Apparatus (COBRA)
Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer (SCXRD)
Further Equipment
  • Ultrasonic (vp and vs – Sound Velocity Determination)
  • Impedance Spectroscopy (Zahner) capability for very high electrical resistivities

Completed Projects

W3 Professur und Aversa "Technische Petrophysik"
Magnetic Fatigue of Magnetite
Reducing Systematic Errors in Laser Flash Method Caused by Detector Inherent Delayed Response
Increasing of the brilliance and extension of the sample environment (triaxial cell) for the strain / stress diffractometer EPSILON (impulse reactor IBR-2M, VIK Dubna)
SUBI - Safety of underground gas storage sites during cyclic loading: Functionality, integrity and monitoring of storage sites and drillings
SpannEnD - Tectonic stress field for the site selection of a repository for nuclear waste
Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Shillong Plateau
Unravelling the Areas Prone to Large Earthquakes in the Caucasian Region
Sytematik der Regionen starker Erdbeben im Kaukasus (KaukasUs-R)
Einsatz von Flächendetektoren zur Spannungs- und Texturanalyse mit Neutronen-Flugzeit-Diffraktion
Verbundvorhaben QEWS II Qualitätssicherung bei Erdwärme-sonden II mit Beteiligung am IEA-ECES-Annex 27 – Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung und Implementierung konsistenter Auslegungs- und Auswertungsmodelle für oberflächennahe geothermische Anlagensysteme
THELMA: Thermisch wirksame Bauelemente für das Mauerwerk
RMS: Reservoir Management and Seismicity
POF: Portfoliomittel Geoenergie
CCS - Natürliche Analoga für CCS im Südkaukasus
COBRA: CO2-Speicherung - Bohrlochsimulator
Geostress I-III - Geodynamik (mit NAGRA)
Landesforschungszentrum Geothermie (LFZG): Phase I & II
Inno Energy
DUBNA I & II - In Situ Strain-Stress-Messungen



  • Journal Publications, Books, Dissertations
  • Conference Contributions
  • World Stress Map (WSM)
  • Others

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