How can mining data be used for regional stress derivation ? – Recommendations Based on Examples from the Ruhr Area
Niederhuber, T.; Rische, M.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Allgaier, F.; Fischer, K. D.; Schilling, F.; Friederich, W.
2025. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Art.Nr.: 100648. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2025.100648
Niederhuber, T.; Rische, M.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Allgaier, F.; Fischer, K. D.; Schilling, F.; Friederich, W.
2025. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Art.Nr.: 100648. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2025.100648
Symmetry Relationships between Crystal Structures : Applications of Crystallographic Group Theory in Crystal Chemistry
Müller, U.; Flor, G. de la
2024. Oxford University Press (OUP)
Müller, U.; Flor, G. de la
2024. Oxford University Press (OUP)
SUBGROUPS : a computer tool at the Bilbao Crystallographic Server for the study of pseudo-symmetric or distorted structures
Tasci, E. S.; Elcoro, L.; Perez-Mato, J. M.; Flor, G. de la; Aroyo, M. I.
2024. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 57 (5), 1650–1666. doi:10.1107/S1600576724008070
Tasci, E. S.; Elcoro, L.; Perez-Mato, J. M.; Flor, G. de la; Aroyo, M. I.
2024. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 57 (5), 1650–1666. doi:10.1107/S1600576724008070
Free tools for crystallographic symmetry handling and visualization
Flor, G. de la; Aroyo, M. I.; Gimondi, I.; Ward, S. C.; Momma, K.; Hanson, R. M.; Suescun, L.
2024. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 57 (5), Article no: 57. doi:10.1107/S1600576724007659
Flor, G. de la; Aroyo, M. I.; Gimondi, I.; Ward, S. C.; Momma, K.; Hanson, R. M.; Suescun, L.
2024. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 57 (5), Article no: 57. doi:10.1107/S1600576724007659
Stress state at faults: the influence of rock stiffness contrast, stress orientation, and ratio
Ziegler, M. O.; Seithel, R.; Niederhuber, T.; Heidbach, O.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.; Rajabi, M.; Reiter, K.; Röckel, L.
2024. Solid Earth, 15 (8), 1047–1063. doi:10.5194/se-15-1047-2024
Ziegler, M. O.; Seithel, R.; Niederhuber, T.; Heidbach, O.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.; Rajabi, M.; Reiter, K.; Röckel, L.
2024. Solid Earth, 15 (8), 1047–1063. doi:10.5194/se-15-1047-2024
Monitoringkonzept für die Enguri-Bogenstaumauer, Georgien = Monitoring concept for the Enguri Arch Dam, Georgia
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Tsereteli, N.; Aberle, B.; Rebmeister, M.; Schenk, A.; Weisgerber, J.; u. a.
2024. WASSERWIRTSCHAFT, 114 (7-8), 25–30. doi:10.1007/s35147-024-2368-y
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Tsereteli, N.; Aberle, B.; Rebmeister, M.; Schenk, A.; Weisgerber, J.; u. a.
2024. WASSERWIRTSCHAFT, 114 (7-8), 25–30. doi:10.1007/s35147-024-2368-y
Stress-induced changes in magnetite: insights from a numerical analysis of the Verwey transition
Fuchs, H.; Kontny, A.; Schilling, F. R.
2024. Geophysical Journal International, 238 (2), 794–805. doi:10.1093/gji/ggae189
Fuchs, H.; Kontny, A.; Schilling, F. R.
2024. Geophysical Journal International, 238 (2), 794–805. doi:10.1093/gji/ggae189
Subperiodic groups, line groups and their applications
Flor, G. de la; Milošević, I.
2024. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 57 (3), 623–629. doi:10.1107/S1600576724003418
Flor, G. de la; Milošević, I.
2024. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 57 (3), 623–629. doi:10.1107/S1600576724003418
Post-mining related reactivation potential of faults hosted in tight reservoir rocks around flooded coal mines, eastern Ruhr Basin, Germany
Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Busch, B.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2024. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 38, Art.-Nr.: 100560. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2024.100560
Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Busch, B.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2024. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 38, Art.-Nr.: 100560. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2024.100560
Earthquakes yes, disasters no
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2024. npj Natural Hazards, 1 (1), Art.-Nr.: 46. doi:10.1038/s44304-024-00049-0
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2024. npj Natural Hazards, 1 (1), Art.-Nr.: 46. doi:10.1038/s44304-024-00049-0
Integrales Monitoringkonzept an der Enguri Bogenstaumauer
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Tsereteli, N.; Aberle, B.; Rebmeister, M.; Schenk, A.; Weisgerber, J.; Schilling, F.; u. a.
2024. Messtechnische Überwachung von Stauanlagen ; XIII. Mittweidaer Talsperrentag, 47–51, Hochschule Mittweida. doi:10.48446/opus-15213
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Tsereteli, N.; Aberle, B.; Rebmeister, M.; Schenk, A.; Weisgerber, J.; Schilling, F.; u. a.
2024. Messtechnische Überwachung von Stauanlagen ; XIII. Mittweidaer Talsperrentag, 47–51, Hochschule Mittweida. doi:10.48446/opus-15213
East European sedimentary basins long heated by a fading mantle upwelling
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Davaille, A.; Besse, J.; Volozh, Y.
2024. Nature Communications, 15, Article no: 3915. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-48127-1
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Davaille, A.; Besse, J.; Volozh, Y.
2024. Nature Communications, 15, Article no: 3915. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-48127-1
Numerical thermo-mechanical modelling of lava dome growth during the 2007-2009 dome-building eruption at Volcán de Colima
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.
2024. Geophysical Journal International, 236 (1), 290–304. doi:10.1093/gji/ggad415
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.
2024. Geophysical Journal International, 236 (1), 290–304. doi:10.1093/gji/ggad415
The International Tables Symmetry Database
Flor, G. de la; Kroumova, E.; Hanson, R. M.; Aroyo, M. I.
2023. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56 (6), 1824–1840. doi:10.1107/S1600576723009068
Flor, G. de la; Kroumova, E.; Hanson, R. M.; Aroyo, M. I.
2023. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56 (6), 1824–1840. doi:10.1107/S1600576723009068
Accessibility of Lithium Cations in VSH‐2 Zeotype: Structural Effects and Formation of Protonated Water Clusters
Danisi, R. M.; Fischer, M.
2023. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 26 (32). doi:10.1002/ejic.202300343
Danisi, R. M.; Fischer, M.
2023. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 26 (32). doi:10.1002/ejic.202300343
A novel method of experimental determination of grain stresses and critical resolved shear stresses for slip and twin systems in a magnesium alloy
Kot, P.; Wroński, M.; Baczmański, A.; Ludwik, A.; Wroński, S.; Wierzbanowski, K.; Scheffzük, C.; Pilch, J.; Farkas, G.
2023. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 221, Art.Nr.: 113469. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113469
Kot, P.; Wroński, M.; Baczmański, A.; Ludwik, A.; Wroński, S.; Wierzbanowski, K.; Scheffzük, C.; Pilch, J.; Farkas, G.
2023. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 221, Art.Nr.: 113469. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113469
Structural and compositional variation of zeolite 13X in lithium sorption experiments using synthetic solutions and geothermal brine
Reich, R.; Danisi, R. M.; Kluge, T.; Eiche, E.; Kolb, J.
2023. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 359, Article no: 112623. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2023.112623
Reich, R.; Danisi, R. M.; Kluge, T.; Eiche, E.; Kolb, J.
2023. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 359, Article no: 112623. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2023.112623
Data Assimilation in Geodynamics: Methods and Applications
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Korotkii, A.
2023. Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 293–310, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781009180412.020
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Korotkii, A.
2023. Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 293–310, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781009180412.020
Inverse Problems in Lava Dynamics
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Melnik, O.; Starodubtsev, I.; Starodubtseva, Y.; Tsepelev, I.; Zeinalova, N.
2023. Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 196–208, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781009180412.013
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Melnik, O.; Starodubtsev, I.; Starodubtseva, Y.; Tsepelev, I.; Zeinalova, N.
2023. Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 196–208, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781009180412.013
Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation in Earth Sciences
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Castelli, F.; Jones, D.; Sanchez, S.
2023. Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 3–8, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781009180412.002
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Castelli, F.; Jones, D.; Sanchez, S.
2023. Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 3–8, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781009180412.002
Applications of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Castelli, F.; Jones, D.; Sanchez, S. (Hrsg.)
2023. Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781009180412
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Castelli, F.; Jones, D.; Sanchez, S. (Hrsg.)
2023. Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/9781009180412
FloodRisk – Postmining, mine water rebound, microseismicity, and ground movements
Quandt, D.; Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Allgaier, F.; Even, M.; Ukelis, O.; Schilling, F.; Röckel, T.; Müller, L.; Müller, B.; u. a.
2023. 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 1–5, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). doi:10.3997/2214-4609.2023101265
Quandt, D.; Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Allgaier, F.; Even, M.; Ukelis, O.; Schilling, F.; Röckel, T.; Müller, L.; Müller, B.; u. a.
2023. 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 1–5, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). doi:10.3997/2214-4609.2023101265
Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Lava Dynamics Using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
Starodubtsev, I. S.; Starodubtseva, Y. V.; Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2023. Journal of Volcanology and Seismology, 17 (3), 175–186. doi:10.1134/S0742046323700185
Starodubtsev, I. S.; Starodubtseva, Y. V.; Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2023. Journal of Volcanology and Seismology, 17 (3), 175–186. doi:10.1134/S0742046323700185
Flooding Induced Seismicity in the Ruhr Area – a geomechanics numerical modelling approach
Niederhuber, T.; Rische, M.; Röckel, T.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2023. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, A, April 23-28, 2023, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15990
Niederhuber, T.; Rische, M.; Röckel, T.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2023. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, A, April 23-28, 2023, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15990
Petrographical and petrophysical properties of tight siliciclastic rocks from the Ibbenbueren coal mine with regard to mine flooding
Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Fuchs, H.; Alvarado de la Barrera, A.; Greve, J.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 653–672. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2022/0343
Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Fuchs, H.; Alvarado de la Barrera, A.; Greve, J.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 653–672. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2022/0343
Fracture network characterisation of the naturally fractured Upper Carboniferous sandstones combining outcrop and wellbore data, Ruhr Basin, Germany
Allgaier, F.; Busch, B.; Niederhuber, T.; Quandt, D.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 599–623. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2023/0369
Allgaier, F.; Busch, B.; Niederhuber, T.; Quandt, D.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 599–623. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2023/0369
Importance of drilling-related processes on the origin of borehole breakouts — Insights from LWD observations
Stricker, K.; Schimschal, S.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.; Bender, F.; Kohl, T.
2023. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Art.-Nr.: 100463. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2023.100463
Stricker, K.; Schimschal, S.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.; Bender, F.; Kohl, T.
2023. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Art.-Nr.: 100463. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2023.100463
Assimilating Data on the Location of the Free Surface of a Fluid Flow to Determine Its Viscosity
Korotkii, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2023. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 319 (Suppl 1), S162–S174. doi:10.1134/S0081543822060141
Korotkii, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2023. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 319 (Suppl 1), S162–S174. doi:10.1134/S0081543822060141
Short-term soil gas measurements for fault detection – Step 1 for post-mining flooding monitoring [Kurzzeit-Bodengasmessungen zur Störungsdetektion – Schritt 1 für das nachbergbauliche Flutungsmonitoring]
Ukelis, O.; Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Rettenmaier, D.; Zorn, R.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 637–651. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2022/0333
Ukelis, O.; Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Rettenmaier, D.; Zorn, R.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 637–651. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2022/0333
Residual strain investigation of a polycrystalline quartzite rock sample using time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Badmaarag, A.; Sangaa, D.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Enkhtur, L.
2023. Mongolian Geoscientist, 28 (56), 27–33. doi:10.5564/mgs.v28i56.2451
Badmaarag, A.; Sangaa, D.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Enkhtur, L.
2023. Mongolian Geoscientist, 28 (56), 27–33. doi:10.5564/mgs.v28i56.2451
Modelling of the lava dome growth the 2007-2009 dome-building eruption at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.; Zobin, V.
2023. XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. doi:10.57757/IUGG23-0298
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.; Zobin, V.
2023. XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. doi:10.57757/IUGG23-0298
Numerical thermo-mechanical modelling of lava dome growth during the 2007-2009 dome-building eruption at Volcán de Colima
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.
2023. EGU23-1068, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1068
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.
2023. EGU23-1068, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1068
Geodynamic Monitoring for Assessing Stability and Hydrodynamic Conditions of Enguri High Dam Foundation Rocks
Chelidze, T.; Goguadze, N.; Mueller, B.
2023. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 17 (1), 73–80
Chelidze, T.; Goguadze, N.; Mueller, B.
2023. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 17 (1), 73–80
Influence of the Structure on Magnetic Properties of Calcium-Phosphate Systems Doped with Iron and Vanadium Ions
Racolta, D.; Andronache, C.; Balasoiu, M.; Mihaly-Cozmuta, L.; Sikolenko, V.; Orelovich, O.; Rogachev, A.; Borodi, G.; Iepure, G.
2023. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (8), Art.-Nr.: 7366. doi:10.3390/ijms24087366
Racolta, D.; Andronache, C.; Balasoiu, M.; Mihaly-Cozmuta, L.; Sikolenko, V.; Orelovich, O.; Rogachev, A.; Borodi, G.; Iepure, G.
2023. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (8), Art.-Nr.: 7366. doi:10.3390/ijms24087366
The crustal stress field of Germany: a refined prediction
Ahlers, S.; Röckel, L.; Hergert, T.; Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Henk, A.; Müller, B.; Morawietz, S.; Scheck-Wenderoth, M.; Anikiev, D.
2022. Geothermal Energy, 10 (1), Art.Nr. 10. doi:10.1186/s40517-022-00222-6
Ahlers, S.; Röckel, L.; Hergert, T.; Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Henk, A.; Müller, B.; Morawietz, S.; Scheck-Wenderoth, M.; Anikiev, D.
2022. Geothermal Energy, 10 (1), Art.Nr. 10. doi:10.1186/s40517-022-00222-6
Ассимиляция данных о свободной поверхности потока жидкости для нахождения ее вязкости [Assimilating data on the free surface of a fluid flow to find its viscosity]
Korotkii, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2022. Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN, 28 (2), 143–157. doi:10.21538/0134-4889-2022-28-2-143-157
Korotkii, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2022. Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN, 28 (2), 143–157. doi:10.21538/0134-4889-2022-28-2-143-157
In situ stress database of the greater Ruhr region (Germany) derived from hydrofracturing tests and borehole logs
Kruszewski, M.; Klee, G.; Niederhuber, T.; Heidbach, O.
2022. Earth System Science Data, 14 (12), 5367–5385. doi:10.5194/essd-14-5367-2022
Kruszewski, M.; Klee, G.; Niederhuber, T.; Heidbach, O.
2022. Earth System Science Data, 14 (12), 5367–5385. doi:10.5194/essd-14-5367-2022
Stress orientations from hydraulic fracturing tests in the Ruhr area in comparison to stress orientations from borehole observations and earthquake focal mechanisms
Niederhuber, T.; Kruszewski, M.; Röckel, T.; Rische, M.; Alber, M.; Müller, B.
2022. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 625–635. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2022/0352
Niederhuber, T.; Kruszewski, M.; Röckel, T.; Rische, M.; Alber, M.; Müller, B.
2022. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 625–635. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2022/0352
Depletion-induced seismicity in NW-Germany: lessons from comprehensive investigations
Gudehus, G.; Lempp, C.; Scheffzük, C.; Műller, B. I.; Schilling, F. R.
2022. Acta Geotechnica, 18 (2), 951–969. doi:10.1007/s11440-022-01513-9
Gudehus, G.; Lempp, C.; Scheffzük, C.; Műller, B. I.; Schilling, F. R.
2022. Acta Geotechnica, 18 (2), 951–969. doi:10.1007/s11440-022-01513-9
The analysis of slip tendency of major tectonic faults in Germany
Röckel, L.; Ahlers, S.; Müller, B.; Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Henk, A.; Hergert, T.; Schilling, F.
2022. Solid Earth, 13 (6), 1087–1105. doi:10.5194/se-13-1087-2022
Röckel, L.; Ahlers, S.; Müller, B.; Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Henk, A.; Hergert, T.; Schilling, F.
2022. Solid Earth, 13 (6), 1087–1105. doi:10.5194/se-13-1087-2022
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on “Lithosphere Dynamics and Earthquake Hazard Forecasting”
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Kijko, A.; Nekrasova, A.; Shebalin, P.
2022. Surveys in Geophysics, 43, 347–351. doi:10.1007/s10712-022-09711-6
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Kijko, A.; Nekrasova, A.; Shebalin, P.
2022. Surveys in Geophysics, 43, 347–351. doi:10.1007/s10712-022-09711-6
Structural and Magnetic Phase Transitions in BiFe Mn O Solid Solution Driven by Temperature
Karpinsky, D. V.; Silibin, M. V.; Latushka, S. I.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Al-Ghamdi, H.; Almuqrin, A. H.; Sayyed, M. I.; Belik, A. A.
2022. Nanomaterials, 12 (9), Art.-Nr.: 1565. doi:10.3390/nano12091565
Karpinsky, D. V.; Silibin, M. V.; Latushka, S. I.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Al-Ghamdi, H.; Almuqrin, A. H.; Sayyed, M. I.; Belik, A. A.
2022. Nanomaterials, 12 (9), Art.-Nr.: 1565. doi:10.3390/nano12091565
Crystal Structure and Orbital Ordering in BiMnO (0 < δ ≤ 0.14) Ceramics
Sikolenko, V. V.; Chobot, A. N.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Zheludkevich, D. V.; Latushko, S. I.; Chobot, G. M.; Savenko, B. N.; Karpinsky, D. V.
2022. Journal of Surface Investigation, 16 (1), 96–100. doi:10.1134/S1027451022010335
Sikolenko, V. V.; Chobot, A. N.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Zheludkevich, D. V.; Latushko, S. I.; Chobot, G. M.; Savenko, B. N.; Karpinsky, D. V.
2022. Journal of Surface Investigation, 16 (1), 96–100. doi:10.1134/S1027451022010335
Lithium Extraction Techniques and the Application Potential of Different Sorbents for Lithium Recovery from Brines
Reich, R.; Slunitschek, K.; Danisi, R. M.; Eiche, E.; Kolb, J.
2022. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 44 (4), 261–280. doi:10.1080/08827508.2022.2047041
Reich, R.; Slunitschek, K.; Danisi, R. M.; Eiche, E.; Kolb, J.
2022. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 44 (4), 261–280. doi:10.1080/08827508.2022.2047041
Numerical Modelling of Lithospheric Block-and-Fault Dynamics: What Did We Learn About Large Earthquake Occurrences and Their Frequency?
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Soloviev, A.
2022. Surveys in geophysics, 43 (2), 503–528. doi:10.1007/s10712-021-09686-w
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Soloviev, A.
2022. Surveys in geophysics, 43 (2), 503–528. doi:10.1007/s10712-021-09686-w
Deactivation and regeneration of solid acid and base catalyst bodies used in cascade for bio-oil synthesis and upgrading
Hernández-Giménez, A. M.; Hernando, H.; Danisi, R. M.; Vogt, E. T. C.; Houben, K.; Baldus, M.; Serrano, D. P.; Bruijnincx, P. C. A.; Weckhuysen, B. M.
2022. Journal of Catalysis, 405, 641–651. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2021.09.029
Hernández-Giménez, A. M.; Hernando, H.; Danisi, R. M.; Vogt, E. T. C.; Houben, K.; Baldus, M.; Serrano, D. P.; Bruijnincx, P. C. A.; Weckhuysen, B. M.
2022. Journal of Catalysis, 405, 641–651. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2021.09.029
Pressure induced phase transitions in Sm-doped BiFeO in the morphotropic phase boundary
Pakalniškis, A.; Skaudžius, R.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Latushka, S. I.; Sikolenko, V.; Sysa, A. V.; Silibin, M.; Mažeika, K.; Baltrūnas, D.; Niaura, G.; u. a.
2022. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 277, Art.-Nr.: 125458. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.125458
Pakalniškis, A.; Skaudžius, R.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Latushka, S. I.; Sikolenko, V.; Sysa, A. V.; Silibin, M.; Mažeika, K.; Baltrūnas, D.; Niaura, G.; u. a.
2022. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 277, Art.-Nr.: 125458. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.125458
Natural hazards and climate change are not drivers of disasters
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2022. Natural hazards, 111, 2147–2154. doi:10.1007/s11069-021-05100-1
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2022. Natural hazards, 111, 2147–2154. doi:10.1007/s11069-021-05100-1
Deterministic, Probabilistic, and Data-enhanced Models of Seismic Hazard Assessments with some Applications to Central Asian Regions
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Kumar, A.
2021. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 97 (12), 1508–1513. doi:10.1007/s12594-021-1906-9
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Kumar, A.
2021. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 97 (12), 1508–1513. doi:10.1007/s12594-021-1906-9
Lava Dome Evolution at Volcán de Colima, México During 2013: Insights from Numerical Modeling
Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Melnik, O. E.
2021. Journal of volcanology and seismology, 15 (6), 491–501. doi:10.1134/S0742046321060117
Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Melnik, O. E.
2021. Journal of volcanology and seismology, 15 (6), 491–501. doi:10.1134/S0742046321060117
Lava Dome Morphology and Viscosity Inferred From Data-Driven Numerical Modeling of Dome Growth at Volcán de Colima, Mexico During 2007-2009
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.; Tsepelev, I.; Zobin, V.
2021. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 735914. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.735914
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.; Tsepelev, I.; Zobin, V.
2021. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 735914. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.735914
Layer groups: Brillouin-zone and crystallographic databases on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server
La Flor, G. de; Souvignier, B.; Madariaga, G.; Aroyo, M. I.
2021. Acta crystallographica / A, 77 (6), 559–571. doi:10.1107/S205327332100783X
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2021. Acta crystallographica / A, 77 (6), 559–571. doi:10.1107/S205327332100783X
Poor planning compounded European flooding catastrophes
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2021. Nature <London>, 598 (7879), 32. doi:10.1038/d41586-021-02712-2
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2021. Nature <London>, 598 (7879), 32. doi:10.1038/d41586-021-02712-2
Knowledge exchange through science diplomacy to assist disaster risk reduction
Kontar, Y. Y.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Berkman, P. A.; Duda, P. I.; Gluckman, S. P.; Kelman, I.; Murray, V.
2021. Progress in disaster science, 11, Article no: 100188. doi:10.1016/j.pdisas.2021.100188
Kontar, Y. Y.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Berkman, P. A.; Duda, P. I.; Gluckman, S. P.; Kelman, I.; Murray, V.
2021. Progress in disaster science, 11, Article no: 100188. doi:10.1016/j.pdisas.2021.100188
Erratum to: 3D Numerical Modeling of the Summit Lake Lava Flow, Yellowstone, USA
Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Melnik, O. E.
2021. Izvestiya / Physics of the solid earth, 57 (5), 817. doi:10.1134/S1069351321120016
Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Melnik, O. E.
2021. Izvestiya / Physics of the solid earth, 57 (5), 817. doi:10.1134/S1069351321120016
A Method for Magma Viscosity Assessment by Lava Dome Morphology
Starodubtseva, Y. V.; Starodubtsev, I. S.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Tsepelev, I. A.; Melnik, O. E.; Korotkii, A. I.
2021. Journal of volcanology and seismology, 15 (3), 159–168. doi:10.1134/S0742046321030064
Starodubtseva, Y. V.; Starodubtsev, I. S.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Tsepelev, I. A.; Melnik, O. E.; Korotkii, A. I.
2021. Journal of volcanology and seismology, 15 (3), 159–168. doi:10.1134/S0742046321030064
Dehydration and lithium ion-exchange of the open framework vanadium silicate VSH-16Na
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2021. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 319, Article no: 111064. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2021.111064
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2021. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 319, Article no: 111064. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2021.111064
Performance of corrosion inhibitors on carbon steel in the geothermal environment of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) depending on inhibitor concentration, temperature and hydrodynamic conditions - A laboratory study
Huttenloch, P.; Zorn, R.; Steger, H.; Schilling, F.; Hater, W.
2021. Geothermics, 92, Article no: 102047. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102047
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2021. Geothermics, 92, Article no: 102047. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102047
3D Numerical Modeling of the Summit Lake Lava Flow, Yellowstone, USA
Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Melnik, O. E.
2021. Izvestiya / Physics of the solid earth, 57 (2), 257–265. doi:10.1134/S1069351321020129
Tsepelev, I. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Melnik, O. E.
2021. Izvestiya / Physics of the solid earth, 57 (2), 257–265. doi:10.1134/S1069351321020129
Data-driven Geodynamics
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2021. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 97 (3), 223–226. doi:10.1007/s12594-021-1670-x
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2021. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 97 (3), 223–226. doi:10.1007/s12594-021-1670-x
Tectonic regimes and stress patterns in the Vrancea Seismic Zone: Insights into intermediate-depth earthquake nests in locked collisional settings
Petrescu, L.; Borleanu, F.; Radulian, M.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Maţenco, L.
2021. Tectonophysics, 799, Article no: 228688. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228688
Petrescu, L.; Borleanu, F.; Radulian, M.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Maţenco, L.
2021. Tectonophysics, 799, Article no: 228688. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228688
Pressure-induced structural and magnetic phase transitions in studied with scattering methods and first-principle calculations
Feygenson, M.; Novoselov, D. Y.; Mazannikova, M. A.; Korotin, D. M.; Bushinsky, M.; Karpinsky, D.; Hanfland, M.; Sazonov, A.; Savvin, S.; Sikolenko, V.; u. a.
2021. Physical Review B, 104 (14), 144107. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144107
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2021. Physical Review B, 104 (14), 144107. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.104.144107
Crystal and magnetic structure transitions in bimno3+δ ceramics driven by cation vacancies and temperature
Karpinsky, D. V.; Silibin, M. V.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Latushka, S. I.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Többens, D. M.; Sheptyakov, D.; Khomchenko, V. A.; Belik A. А.
2021. Materials, 14 (19), 5805. doi:10.3390/ma14195805
Karpinsky, D. V.; Silibin, M. V.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Latushka, S. I.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Többens, D. M.; Sheptyakov, D.; Khomchenko, V. A.; Belik A. А.
2021. Materials, 14 (19), 5805. doi:10.3390/ma14195805
Impact of synthesis conditions on the morphology and crystal structure of tungsten nitride nanomaterials
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2021. RSC Advances, 11 (45), 28198–28210. doi:10.1039/d1ra04448f
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2021. RSC Advances, 11 (45), 28198–28210. doi:10.1039/d1ra04448f
3D crustal stress state of Germany according to a data-calibrated geomechanical model
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2021. Solid Earth, 12 (8), 1777–1799. doi:10.5194/se-12-1777-2021
Modelling of wellbore cement alteration due to CO -rich brine interaction in a large-scale autoclave experiment
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2021. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 110, Art.-Nr.: 103428. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2021.103428
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Magnetic properties of BiFeO – BaTiO ceramics in the morphotropic phase boundary: A role of crystal structure and structural parameters
Karpinsky, D. V.; Silibin, M. V.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Latushka, S. I.; Sysa, A. V.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Zhaludkevich, A. L.; Khomchenko, V. A.; Franz, A.; Mazeika, K.; u. a.
2021. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 539, Art.-Nr.: 168409. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168409
Karpinsky, D. V.; Silibin, M. V.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Latushka, S. I.; Sysa, A. V.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Zhaludkevich, A. L.; Khomchenko, V. A.; Franz, A.; Mazeika, K.; u. a.
2021. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 539, Art.-Nr.: 168409. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168409
Operando tracking of oxidation-state changes by coupling electrochemistry with time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy demonstrated for water oxidation by a cobalt-based catalyst film
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2021. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 413, 5395–5408. doi:10.1007/s00216-021-03515-0
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The Symmetry Database
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2021. M. I. Aroyo (Hrsg.), International Tables for Crystallography, Teaching Edition, Crystallographic Symmetry Ed. by: Mois I. Aroyo, John Wiley and Sons
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2021. M. I. Aroyo (Hrsg.), International Tables for Crystallography, Teaching Edition, Crystallographic Symmetry Ed. by: Mois I. Aroyo, John Wiley and Sons
Earthquake Prediction, M8 Algorithm
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2021. Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Ed.: H.K. Gupta, 2004–2008, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58631-7_157
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2021. Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Ed.: H.K. Gupta, 2004–2008, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58631-7_157
Active cloaking and illusion of electric potentials in electrostatics
Helfrich-Schkabarenko, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Sommer, A.
2021. Scientific reports, 11 (1), Article: 10651. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-89062-1
Helfrich-Schkabarenko, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Sommer, A.
2021. Scientific reports, 11 (1), Article: 10651. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-89062-1
Anisotropic thermal transport properties of quartz: from −120 °C through the α-β phase transition
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2021. European journal of mineralogy, 33 (1), 23–38. doi:10.5194/ejm-33-23-2021
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2021. European journal of mineralogy, 33 (1), 23–38. doi:10.5194/ejm-33-23-2021
Fluid Flow Simulations of a Large-Scale Borehole Leakage Experiment
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2021. Transport in porous media, 136, 125–145. doi:10.1007/s11242-020-01504-y
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Thermal Transport Properties of Single Crystal Quartz and Portlandite. Dissertation
Breuer, S.
2020, Dezember 9. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000127241
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An open-access stress magnitude database for Germany and adjacent regions
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2020. Geothermal Energy, 8 (1), Art. Nr.: 25. doi:10.1186/s40517-020-00178-5
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2020. Geothermal Energy, 8 (1), Art. Nr.: 25. doi:10.1186/s40517-020-00178-5
Thermoelastic properties of synthetic single crystal portlandite Ca(OH)₂ - Temperature-dependent thermal diffusivity with derived thermal conductivity and elastic constants at ambient conditions
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2020. Cement and concrete research, 137, Art. Nr.: 106199. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106199
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Lava dome morphology inferred from numerical modelling
Tsepelev, I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.
2020. Geophysical journal international, 223 (3), 1597–1609. doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa395
Tsepelev, I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.
2020. Geophysical journal international, 223 (3), 1597–1609. doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa395
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung von reaktiven Nanomaterialien. Dissertation
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Tuning the temperature-induced local-dipole coupling in (1−x )Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3 via electric field
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2020. Journal of applied physics, 127 (19), 194103. doi:10.1063/5.0005494
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2020. Journal of applied physics, 127 (19), 194103. doi:10.1063/5.0005494
Neutron powder diffraction study of NaMn O and Li Mn O : Insights on spin-charge-orbital ordering
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2020. Physical Review Research, 2 (4), 043143. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043143
Seismic hazard assessment of the Shillong Plateau using a probabilistic approach
Baro, O.; Kumar, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
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Science for Earthquake Risk Reduction
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2020. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 96 (3), 213–216. doi:10.1007/s12594-020-1540-y
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2020. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 96 (3), 213–216. doi:10.1007/s12594-020-1540-y
First-time synthesis of a magnetoelectric core-shell composite via conventional solid-state reaction
Henrichs, L. F.; Mu, X.; Scherer, T.; Gerhards, U.; Schuppler, S.; Nagel, P.; Merz, M.; Kübel, C.; Fawey, M. H.; Hansen, T. C.; u. a.
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2020. Nanoscale, 12 (29), 15677–15686. doi:10.1039/d0nr02475a
Geodynamics, seismicity, and seismic hazards of the Caucasus
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Adamia, S.; Chabukiani, A.; Chelidze, T.; Cloetingh, S.; Floyd, M.; Gorshkov, A.; Schilling, F.; Ismail-Zadeh, T.; Müller, B.; u. a.
2020. Earth science reviews, 207, Article: 103222. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103222
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Adamia, S.; Chabukiani, A.; Chelidze, T.; Cloetingh, S.; Floyd, M.; Gorshkov, A.; Schilling, F.; Ismail-Zadeh, T.; Müller, B.; u. a.
2020. Earth science reviews, 207, Article: 103222. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103222
Evolution of phase stresses in Al/SiCp composite during thermal cycling and compression test studied using diffraction and self-consistent models
Kot, P.; Baczmański, A.; Gadalińska, E.; Wroński, S.; Wroński, M.; Wróbel, M.; Bokuchava, G.; Scheffzük, C.; Wierzbanowski, K.
2020. Journal of materials science & technology, 36, 176–189. doi:10.1016/j.jmst.2019.03.046
Kot, P.; Baczmański, A.; Gadalińska, E.; Wroński, S.; Wroński, M.; Wróbel, M.; Bokuchava, G.; Scheffzük, C.; Wierzbanowski, K.
2020. Journal of materials science & technology, 36, 176–189. doi:10.1016/j.jmst.2019.03.046
Shock‐induced formation of wüstite and fayalite in a magnetite‐quartz target rock
Henrichs, L. F.; Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Gerhards, U.; Göttlicher, J.; Genssle, T.; Schilling, F.
2020. Meteoritics & planetary science, 55 (1), 56–66. doi:10.1111/maps.13422
Henrichs, L. F.; Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Gerhards, U.; Göttlicher, J.; Genssle, T.; Schilling, F.
2020. Meteoritics & planetary science, 55 (1), 56–66. doi:10.1111/maps.13422
Probability of fault reactivation in the Bavarian Molasse Basin
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2019. Geothermics, 82, 81–90. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.06.004
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2019. Geothermics, 82, 81–90. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.06.004
The site-symmetry induced representations of layer groups on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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2019. Journal of applied crystallography, 52 (5), 1214–1221. doi:10.1107/S1600576719011725
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2019. Journal of applied crystallography, 52 (5), 1214–1221. doi:10.1107/S1600576719011725
Improving Thermal Diffusivity Measurements by Including Detector Inherent Delayed Response in Laser Flash Method
Breuer, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2019. International journal of thermophysics, 40 (10), 95–111. doi:10.1007/s10765-019-2562-9
Breuer, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2019. International journal of thermophysics, 40 (10), 95–111. doi:10.1007/s10765-019-2562-9
Inhibitor performance on carbon steel in the geothermal environment of the Upper Rhine graben (Central Europe) – A laboratory study
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2019. Geothermics, 81, 198–208. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.05.007
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2019. Geothermics, 81, 198–208. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.05.007
Resolution of crystallographic problems using the Bilbao Crystallographic Server
Flor, G. de la; Tasci, E.; Elcoro, L.; Madariaga, G.; Perez-Mato, J. M.; Aroyo, M. I.
2019. Acta crystallographica / A, 75, Art. Nr.: e758. doi:10.1107/S2053273319087989
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2019. Acta crystallographica / A, 75, Art. Nr.: e758. doi:10.1107/S2053273319087989
A notable centenary for international science
Reddy, D.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2019. Nature <London>, 572 (7767), 32. doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02325-w
Reddy, D.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2019. Nature <London>, 572 (7767), 32. doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02325-w
Neutron Diffraction Study of Phase Stresses in Al/SiCp Composite During Tensile Test
Gadalińska, E.; Baczmański, A.; Wroński, S.; Kot, P.; Wroński, M.; Wróbel, M.; Scheffzük, C.; Bokuchava, G.; Wierzbanowski, K.
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2019. Metals and materials international, 25 (3), 657–668. doi:10.1007/s12540-018-00218-7
Present-day stress control on fluid migration pathways: Case study of the Zechstein fractured carbonates, NW-Germany
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2019. Marine and petroleum geology, 103, 320–330. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.03.002
Becker, I.; Müller, B.; Koehrer, B.; Jelinek, W.; Hilgers, C.
2019. Marine and petroleum geology, 103, 320–330. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.03.002
Nonlinear dynamics of crustal blocks and faults and earthquake occurrences in the Transcaucasian region
Vorobieva, I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Gorshkov, A.
2019. Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 297, 106320. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2019.106320
Vorobieva, I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Gorshkov, A.
2019. Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 297, 106320. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2019.106320
Scaling-Up of Bio-Oil Upgrading during Biomass Pyrolysis over ZrO 2 /ZSM-5-Attapulgite
Hernando, H.; Hernández-Giménez, A. M.; Gutiérrez-Rubio, S.; Fakin, T.; Horvat, A.; Danisi, R. M.; Pizarro, P.; Fermoso, J.; Heracleous, E.; Bruijnincx, P. C. A.; u. a.
2019. ChemSusChem, 12 (11), 2428–2438. doi:10.1002/cssc.201900534
Hernando, H.; Hernández-Giménez, A. M.; Gutiérrez-Rubio, S.; Fakin, T.; Horvat, A.; Danisi, R. M.; Pizarro, P.; Fermoso, J.; Heracleous, E.; Bruijnincx, P. C. A.; u. a.
2019. ChemSusChem, 12 (11), 2428–2438. doi:10.1002/cssc.201900534
IUGG evolves (1940–2000)
Joselyn, J. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2019. History of geo- and space sciences, 10 (1), 45–72. doi:10.5194/hgss-10-45-2019
Joselyn, J. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2019. History of geo- and space sciences, 10 (1), 45–72. doi:10.5194/hgss-10-45-2019
IUGG: beginning, establishment, and early development (1919–1939)
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Joselyn, J. A.
2019. History of geo- and space sciences, 10 (1), 25–44. doi:10.5194/hgss-10-25-2019
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Joselyn, J. A.
2019. History of geo- and space sciences, 10 (1), 25–44. doi:10.5194/hgss-10-25-2019
IUGG in the 21st century
Joselyn, J. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Beer, T.; Gupta, H.; Kono, M.; Shamir, U.; Sideris, M.; Whaler, K.
2019. History of geo- and space sciences, 10 (1), 73–95. doi:10.5194/hgss-10-73-2019
Joselyn, J. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Beer, T.; Gupta, H.; Kono, M.; Shamir, U.; Sideris, M.; Whaler, K.
2019. History of geo- and space sciences, 10 (1), 73–95. doi:10.5194/hgss-10-73-2019
Preface to the special issue “The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics: from different spheres to a common globe”
Joselyn, J. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2019. History of geo- and space sciences, 10 (1), 17–24. doi:10.5194/hgss-10-17-2019
Joselyn, J. A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2019. History of geo- and space sciences, 10 (1), 17–24. doi:10.5194/hgss-10-17-2019
Acceptability of geothermal installations : A geoethical concept for GeoLaB
Meller, C.; Schill, E.; Bremer, J.; Kolditz, O.; Bleicher, A.; Benighaus, C.; Chavot, P.; Gross, M.; Pellizzone, A.; Schilling, F.; u. a.
2018. Geothermics, 73, 133–145. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.07.008
Meller, C.; Schill, E.; Bremer, J.; Kolditz, O.; Bleicher, A.; Benighaus, C.; Chavot, P.; Gross, M.; Pellizzone, A.; Schilling, F.; u. a.
2018. Geothermics, 73, 133–145. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.07.008
Crust Development inferred from numerical models of LA V A flow and its surface thermal measurements
Tsepelev, I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Starodubtseva, Y.; Korotkii, A.; Melnik, O.
2018. Annals of geophysics, 61, AC62. doi:10.4401/ag-7745
Tsepelev, I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Starodubtseva, Y.; Korotkii, A.; Melnik, O.
2018. Annals of geophysics, 61, AC62. doi:10.4401/ag-7745
Disaster-related science diplomacy: advancing global resilience through international scientific collaborations
Kontar, Y. Y.; Beer, T.; Berkman, P. A.; Eichelberger, J. C.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Kelman, I.; LaBrecque, J. L.; Sztein, E.; Zaika, Y.
2018. Science & Diplomacy AAAS, 7 (2), 1–15
Kontar, Y. Y.; Beer, T.; Berkman, P. A.; Eichelberger, J. C.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Kelman, I.; LaBrecque, J. L.; Sztein, E.; Zaika, Y.
2018. Science & Diplomacy AAAS, 7 (2), 1–15
The hardening in alloys and composites and its examination with a diffraction and self-consistent model
Gadalińska, E.; Baczmański, A.; Wroński, S.; Wróbel, M.; Scheffzük, C.
2018. Fatigue of Aircraft Structures, 2018 (10), 31–46. doi:10.2478/fas-2018-0003
Gadalińska, E.; Baczmański, A.; Wroński, S.; Wróbel, M.; Scheffzük, C.
2018. Fatigue of Aircraft Structures, 2018 (10), 31–46. doi:10.2478/fas-2018-0003
Betrachtung der Seismizität um Geothermie-Anlagen im geomechanischen Kontext
Seithel, R.; Müller, B.; Zosseder, K.; Schilling, F.; Kohl, T.
2018. Geothermische Energie, 89 (2), 24–27
Seithel, R.; Müller, B.; Zosseder, K.; Schilling, F.; Kohl, T.
2018. Geothermische Energie, 89 (2), 24–27
Nutzung des Untergrundes vor dem Hintergrund der»Klima-Beschlüsse«von Paris 2015 (COP21) / Reaching the COP21 Goals of Paris (Climate Summit 2015) while using the Underground
Schilling, F. R.; Müller, B. I. R.
2018. Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle, 2018 (2), 82–87
Schilling, F. R.; Müller, B. I. R.
2018. Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle, 2018 (2), 82–87
Induced Seismicity in Reservoirs: Stress Makes the Difference
Müller, B. I. R.; Schilling, F. R.; Röckel, T.; Heidbach, O.
2018. Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle, 2018 (1), 33–37. doi:10.19225/180106
Müller, B. I. R.; Schilling, F. R.; Röckel, T.; Heidbach, O.
2018. Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle, 2018 (1), 33–37. doi:10.19225/180106
Alpha texture variations in additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V investigated with neutron diffraction
Neikter, M.; Woracek, R.; Maimaitiyili, T.; Scheffzük, C.; Strobl, M.; Antti, M.-L.; Åkerfeldt, P.; Pederson, R.; Bjerkén, C.
2018. Additive manufacturing, 23, 225–234. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2018.08.018
Neikter, M.; Woracek, R.; Maimaitiyili, T.; Scheffzük, C.; Strobl, M.; Antti, M.-L.; Åkerfeldt, P.; Pederson, R.; Bjerkén, C.
2018. Additive manufacturing, 23, 225–234. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2018.08.018
Seismic hazard assessment of the Shillong Plateau, India
Baro, O.; Kumar, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2018. Geomatics, natural hazards and risk, 9 (1), 841–861. doi:10.1080/19475705.2018.1494043
Baro, O.; Kumar, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2018. Geomatics, natural hazards and risk, 9 (1), 841–861. doi:10.1080/19475705.2018.1494043
The World Stress Map database release 2016: Crustal stress pattern across scales
Heidbach, O.; Rajabi, M.; Cui, X.; Fuchs, K.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Reiter, K.; Tingay, M.; Wenzel, F.; Xie, F.; u. a.
2018. Tectonophysics, 744, 484–498. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.007
Heidbach, O.; Rajabi, M.; Cui, X.; Fuchs, K.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Reiter, K.; Tingay, M.; Wenzel, F.; Xie, F.; u. a.
2018. Tectonophysics, 744, 484–498. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.007
Quantitative modeling of the lithosphere dynamics, earthquakes and seismic hazard
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Soloviev, A.; Sokolov, V.; Vorobieva, I.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2018. Tectonophysics, 746, 624–647. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.04.007
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Soloviev, A.; Sokolov, V.; Vorobieva, I.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2018. Tectonophysics, 746, 624–647. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.04.007
Is deep borehole disposal a technical option for Germany?
Bracke, G.; Charlier, F.; Liebscher, A.; Schilling, F.; Röckel, T.
2017. Proceedings of the 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, IHLRWM 2017, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 9th - 13th April 2017, 800–809, American Nuclear Society (ANS)
Bracke, G.; Charlier, F.; Liebscher, A.; Schilling, F.; Röckel, T.
2017. Proceedings of the 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, IHLRWM 2017, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 9th - 13th April 2017, 800–809, American Nuclear Society (ANS)
Neutron diffraction study of elastoplastic behaviour of Al/SiCp metal matrix composite
Gadalińska, E.; Baczmański, A.; Wroński, S.; Wróbel, M.; Lodini, A.; Klosek, V.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. 8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, Grenoble, France, 28th September - 2nd October 2015, 66–73, Trans Tech Publications. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.905.66
Gadalińska, E.; Baczmański, A.; Wroński, S.; Wróbel, M.; Lodini, A.; Klosek, V.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. 8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, Grenoble, France, 28th September - 2nd October 2015, 66–73, Trans Tech Publications. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.905.66
About the possibility of disposal of HLRW in deep boreholes in Germany
Bracke, G.; Charlier, F.; Liebscher, A.; Schilling, F. R.; Röckel, T.
2017. Geosciences, 7 (3), Art. Nr. 58. doi:10.3390/geosciences7030058
Bracke, G.; Charlier, F.; Liebscher, A.; Schilling, F. R.; Röckel, T.
2017. Geosciences, 7 (3), Art. Nr. 58. doi:10.3390/geosciences7030058
Die neue Tiefbohrung Weißenstadt im Granit des Fichtelgebirges = The new deep well Weißenstadt in the granite of the Fichtelgebirge
Röckel, L.; Stober, I.
2017. Grundwasser, 22 (3), 165–173. doi:10.1007/s00767-017-0361-4
Röckel, L.; Stober, I.
2017. Grundwasser, 22 (3), 165–173. doi:10.1007/s00767-017-0361-4
Anisotropic viscoelastic properties of quartz and quartzite in the vicinity of the α–β phase transition
Klumbach, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2017. Physics and chemistry of minerals, 44 (9), 627–637. doi:10.1007/s00269-017-0888-z
Klumbach, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2017. Physics and chemistry of minerals, 44 (9), 627–637. doi:10.1007/s00269-017-0888-z
Integrated Research as Key to the Development of a Sustainable Geothermal Energy Technology
Meller, C.; Bremer, J.; Ankit, K.; Baur, S.; Bergfeldt, T.; Blum, P.; Canic, T.; Eiche, E.; Schilling, F.; Müller, B.; u. a.
2017. Energy technology, 5 (7), 965–1006. doi:10.1002/ente.201600579
Meller, C.; Bremer, J.; Ankit, K.; Baur, S.; Bergfeldt, T.; Blum, P.; Canic, T.; Eiche, E.; Schilling, F.; Müller, B.; u. a.
2017. Energy technology, 5 (7), 965–1006. doi:10.1002/ente.201600579
RMS - Reservoir Management and Seismicity: Entwicklung von strategien zur verringerung von induzierter seismizität in gasfeldern
Müller, B. I. R.; Schilling, F. R.; Wampach, M.; Westerhaus, M.; Zippelt, K.; Lempp, C.; Schöner, A.; Röckel, T.; Scheffzük, C.
2016. DGMK/OGEW - Fruhjahrstagung des Fachbereiches "Aufsuchung und Gewinnung" 2016 - DGMK / OGEW Spring Meeting on "Investigation and Extraction" 2016; Celle; Germany; 21 April 2016 through 22 April 2016, 69–75, Deutsche Wissens. Gesell. fur Erdoel
Müller, B. I. R.; Schilling, F. R.; Wampach, M.; Westerhaus, M.; Zippelt, K.; Lempp, C.; Schöner, A.; Röckel, T.; Scheffzük, C.
2016. DGMK/OGEW - Fruhjahrstagung des Fachbereiches "Aufsuchung und Gewinnung" 2016 - DGMK / OGEW Spring Meeting on "Investigation and Extraction" 2016; Celle; Germany; 21 April 2016 through 22 April 2016, 69–75, Deutsche Wissens. Gesell. fur Erdoel
Multiferroic nano-clusters might help to enable the next generation of processor and memory devices
Henrichs, L. F.; Hansen, T.
2016. Annual Report 2016, 16–17, Insitut-Laue-Langevin
Henrichs, L. F.; Hansen, T.
2016. Annual Report 2016, 16–17, Insitut-Laue-Langevin
Data-driven Numerical Modeling in Geodynamics : Methods and Application
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Tsepelev, I.
2016. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-27801-8
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Tsepelev, I.
2016. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-27801-8
Geoscience international : the role of scientific unions
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. History of geo- and space sciences, 7 (2), 103–123. doi:10.5194/hgss-7-103-2016
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. History of geo- and space sciences, 7 (2), 103–123. doi:10.5194/hgss-7-103-2016
Forging a paradigm shift in disaster science
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Cutter, S. L.; Takeuchi, K.; Paton, D.
2016. Natural Hazards, 86 (2), 969–988. doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2726-x
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Cutter, S. L.; Takeuchi, K.; Paton, D.
2016. Natural Hazards, 86 (2), 969–988. doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2726-x
Active tectonics of central-western Caucasus, Georgia
Tsereteli, N.; Tibaldi, A.; Alania, V.; Gventsadse, A.; Enukidze, O.; Varazanashvili, O.; Müller, B. I. R.
2016. Tectonophysics, 691, 328–344. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.10.025
Tsereteli, N.; Tibaldi, A.; Alania, V.; Gventsadse, A.; Enukidze, O.; Varazanashvili, O.; Müller, B. I. R.
2016. Tectonophysics, 691, 328–344. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.10.025
High pressure effects on the magnetic and crystal structure of La Ba CoO
Sikolenko, V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Efimov, V.; Ritter, C.; Schorr, S.; Silibin, M. V.; Dronov, A. A.; Schilling, F. R.; u. a.
2016. Materials chemistry and physics, 181, 78–81. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.06.035
Sikolenko, V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Efimov, V.; Ritter, C.; Schorr, S.; Silibin, M. V.; Dronov, A. A.; Schilling, F. R.; u. a.
2016. Materials chemistry and physics, 181, 78–81. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.06.035
Simple technique for high-throughput marking of distinguishable micro-areas for microscopy
Henrichs, L. F.; Chen, L.; Bell, A. J.
2016. Journal of microscopy, 262 (1), 28–32. doi:10.1111/jmi.12337
Henrichs, L. F.; Chen, L.; Bell, A. J.
2016. Journal of microscopy, 262 (1), 28–32. doi:10.1111/jmi.12337
Multiferroic Clusters: A New Perspective for Relaxor-Type Room-Temperature Multiferroics
Henrichs, L. F.; Cespedes, O.; Bennett, J.; Landers, J.; Salamon, S.; Heuser, C.; Hansen, T.; Helbig, T.; Gutfleisch, O.; Lupascu, D. C.; u. a.
2016. Advanced functional materials, 26 (13), 2111–2121. doi:10.1002/adfm.201503335
Henrichs, L. F.; Cespedes, O.; Bennett, J.; Landers, J.; Salamon, S.; Heuser, C.; Hansen, T.; Helbig, T.; Gutfleisch, O.; Lupascu, D. C.; u. a.
2016. Advanced functional materials, 26 (13), 2111–2121. doi:10.1002/adfm.201503335
On the use of multiple-site estimations in probabilistic seismic-hazard assessment
Sokolov, V.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. The bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106 (5), 2233–2243. doi:10.1785/0120150306
Sokolov, V.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. The bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106 (5), 2233–2243. doi:10.1785/0120150306
Numerical modeling of fluid flow with rafts: An application to lava flows
Tsepelev, I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.; Korotkii, A.
2016. Journal of geodynamics, 97, 31–41. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2016.02.010
Tsepelev, I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.; Korotkii, A.
2016. Journal of geodynamics, 97, 31–41. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2016.02.010
Lingunite-a high-pressure plagioclase polymorph at mineral interfaces in doleritic rock of the Lockne impact structure (Sweden)
Agarwal, A.; Reznik, B.; Kontny, A.; Heissler, S.; Schilling, F.
2016. Scientific reports, 6, Art. Nr. 25991. doi:10.1038/srep25991
Agarwal, A.; Reznik, B.; Kontny, A.; Heissler, S.; Schilling, F.
2016. Scientific reports, 6, Art. Nr. 25991. doi:10.1038/srep25991
Quantitative reconstruction of thermal and dynamic characteristics of lava flow from surface thermal measurements
Korotkii, A.; Kovtunov, D.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.
2016. Geophysical Journal International, 205 (3), 1767–1779. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw117
Korotkii, A.; Kovtunov, D.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.
2016. Geophysical Journal International, 205 (3), 1767–1779. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw117
Analysis of Stress Heterogeneities in Fractured Crystalline Reservoirs
Sahara, D. P.; Schoenball, M.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.
2015. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19th - 25th April, 2015. Ed.: IGA, 9 S., International Geothermal Association (IGA)
Sahara, D. P.; Schoenball, M.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.
2015. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19th - 25th April, 2015. Ed.: IGA, 9 S., International Geothermal Association (IGA)
Making the Northern Indian Ocean a Hub of Geomagnetic Data
Arora, K.; Nagarajan, N.; Thomson, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2015. Eos, 96 (16), 19–22. doi:10.1029/2015EO034037
Arora, K.; Nagarajan, N.; Thomson, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2015. Eos, 96 (16), 19–22. doi:10.1029/2015EO034037
Global risks: Pool knowledge to stem losses from disasters
Cutter, S. L.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Alcántara-Ayala, I.; Altan, O.; Baker, D. N.; Briceño, S.; Gupta, H.; Holloway, A.; Johnston, D.; McBean, G. A.; u. a.
2015. Nature <London>, 522 (7556), 277–279. doi:10.1038/522277a
Cutter, S. L.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Alcántara-Ayala, I.; Altan, O.; Baker, D. N.; Briceño, S.; Gupta, H.; Holloway, A.; Johnston, D.; McBean, G. A.; u. a.
2015. Nature <London>, 522 (7556), 277–279. doi:10.1038/522277a
Spannungskarte Deutschland 2015
Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Reinecker, J.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.
2015. Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle, 131 (11), 437–442
Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Reinecker, J.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.
2015. Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle, 131 (11), 437–442
Magnetoelectric Coupling in Single-Phase Multiferroics at Room Temperature via Scanning Probe Microscopy. Dissertation
Henrichs, L. F.
2015. Leeds
Henrichs, L. F.
2015. Leeds
Choice of tip, signal stability, and practical aspects of piezoresponse-force-microscopy
Henrichs, L. F.; Bennett, J.; Bell, A. J.
2015. Review of scientific instruments, 86 (8), 083707. doi:10.1063/1.4929572
Henrichs, L. F.; Bennett, J.; Bell, A. J.
2015. Review of scientific instruments, 86 (8), 083707. doi:10.1063/1.4929572
Morphotropic Phase Boundary in the Pb-Free (1−x)BiTi3/8Fe2/8Mg3/8O3–xCaTiO3 System: Tetragonal Polarization and Enhanced Electromechanical Properties
Mandal, P.; Manjón-Sanz, A.; Corkett, A. J.; Comyn, T. P.; Dawson, K.; Stevenson, T.; Bennett, J.; Henrichs, L. F.; Bell, A. J.; Nishibori, E.; u. a.
2015. Advanced materials, 27 (18), 2883–2889. doi:10.1002/adma.201405452
Mandal, P.; Manjón-Sanz, A.; Corkett, A. J.; Comyn, T. P.; Dawson, K.; Stevenson, T.; Bennett, J.; Henrichs, L. F.; Bell, A. J.; Nishibori, E.; u. a.
2015. Advanced materials, 27 (18), 2883–2889. doi:10.1002/adma.201405452
Seismic hazard from instrumentally recorded, historical and simulated earthquakes: Application to the Tibet–Himalayan region
Sokolov, V.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2015. Tectonophysics, 657, 187–204. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2015.07.004
Sokolov, V.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2015. Tectonophysics, 657, 187–204. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2015.07.004
High pressure induced spin state crossover in Sr2CaYCo4O10.5
Sikolenko, V.; Troyanchuk, I.; Bushinsky, M.; Efimov, V.; Keller, L.; White, J. S.; Schilling, F. R.; Schorr, S.
2015. Journal of physics / Condensed matter, 27 (4), Art. Nr.: 046005. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/27/4/046005
Sikolenko, V.; Troyanchuk, I.; Bushinsky, M.; Efimov, V.; Keller, L.; White, J. S.; Schilling, F. R.; Schorr, S.
2015. Journal of physics / Condensed matter, 27 (4), Art. Nr.: 046005. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/27/4/046005
Elasticity and Viscoelasticity of Solid SiO2 as a Function of Frequency and Temperature. Dissertation
Klumbach, S.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000051308
Klumbach, S.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000051308
Local stress anomaly in the Bavarian Molasse Basin
Seithel, R.; Steiner, U.; Müller, B.; Hecht, C.; Kohl, T.
2015. Geothermal Energy, 3 (4), 1–22. doi:10.1186/s40517-014-0023-z
Seithel, R.; Steiner, U.; Müller, B.; Hecht, C.; Kohl, T.
2015. Geothermal Energy, 3 (4), 1–22. doi:10.1186/s40517-014-0023-z
Long-term safety of well abandonment: First results from large scale laboratory experiments (COBRA)
Schilling, F.; Bieberstein, A.; Eckhardt, J. D.; Haist, M.; Hirsch, A.; Klumbach, S.; Kromer, M.; Mühlbach, J.; Müller, B. I. R.; Müllser, H. S.; u. a.
2015. Geological storage of CO2 - Long term security aspects. Ed.: A. Liebscher, 115–138, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-13930-2_6
Schilling, F.; Bieberstein, A.; Eckhardt, J. D.; Haist, M.; Hirsch, A.; Klumbach, S.; Kromer, M.; Mühlbach, J.; Müller, B. I. R.; Müllser, H. S.; u. a.
2015. Geological storage of CO2 - Long term security aspects. Ed.: A. Liebscher, 115–138, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-13930-2_6
Strain and Texture Investigations by Means of Neutron Time-of-Flight Diffraction: Application to Polyphase Gneisses
Scheffzuek, C.; Ullemeyer, K.; Vasin, R. A.; Naumann, R.; Schilling, F. R.
2014. Materials science forum, 777, 136–141. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.777.136
Scheffzuek, C.; Ullemeyer, K.; Vasin, R. A.; Naumann, R.; Schilling, F. R.
2014. Materials science forum, 777, 136–141. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.777.136
Extreme natural events and societal implications – the ENHANS project
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2014. Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications. Ed. : A. Ismail-Zadeh, 3–14, Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2014. Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications. Ed. : A. Ismail-Zadeh, 3–14, Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Extreme seismic events: from basic science to disaster risk mitigation
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Fucugauchi, J. U.; Kijko, A.; Takeuchi, K.; Zaliapin, I. (Hrsg.)
2014. Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 47–60, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/CBO9781139523905.007
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2014. Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 47–60, Cambridge University Press (CUP). doi:10.1017/CBO9781139523905.007
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Neutron diffraction studies of the structure of substituted complex cobalt oxides
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Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications
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2014. Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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Click-chemistry based multi-component microarrays by quill-like pens
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Anodic aluminum dissolution in conducting salt containing electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries
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2013. Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. Ed. : P. T. Bobrowsky, 979–979, Springer Science+Business Media
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2013. Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. Ed. : P. T. Bobrowsky, 907–908, Springer Science+Business Media
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2013. Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards. Ed. : P. T. Bobrowsky, 907–908, Springer Science+Business Media
Dynamical splayed ferromagnetic ground state in the quantum spin ice Yb2Sn2O7
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2013. Physical Review Letters, 110 (12), 127207. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.127207
Pressure induced antiferromagnet-ferromagnet transition in La 0.5Ba0.5CoO2.8 cobaltite
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Ritter, C.; Hansen, T.; Többens, D. M.
2013. European Physical Journal B, 86 (10), 435. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2013-40617-x
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2013. European Physical Journal B, 86 (10), 435. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2013-40617-x
Very large magnetoresistance and spin state transition in Ba-doped cobaltites
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Nikitin, A. V.; Lobanovsky, L. S.; Balagurov, A. M.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Sheptyakov, D. V.
2013. Journal of Applied Physics, 113 (5), 053909. doi:10.1063/1.4790316
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Nikitin, A. V.; Lobanovsky, L. S.; Balagurov, A. M.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Sheptyakov, D. V.
2013. Journal of Applied Physics, 113 (5), 053909. doi:10.1063/1.4790316
Pressure effects on oxygen-deficient Ba-substituted cobaltites
Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V. V.; Többens, D.; Schorr, S.; Ritter, C.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.
2013. Powder Diffraction, 28 (SUPPL.2), S126-S132. doi:10.1017/S0885715613001097
Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V. V.; Többens, D.; Schorr, S.; Ritter, C.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.
2013. Powder Diffraction, 28 (SUPPL.2), S126-S132. doi:10.1017/S0885715613001097
Composition- and temperature-driven structural transitions in Bi 1-xCaxFeO3 multiferroics: A neutron diffraction study
Khomchenko, V. A.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Többens, D. M.; Sikolenko, V.; Paixão, J. A.
2013. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 25 (13), 135902. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/13/135902
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2013. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 25 (13), 135902. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/13/135902
Weak ferromagnetic polar phase in the BiFe1-xTi xO3 multiferroics
Khomchenko, V. A.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Sikolenko, V.; Paixão, J. A.
2013. Journal of Materials Science, 48 (10), 3852–3856. doi:10.1007/s10853-013-7186-z
Khomchenko, V. A.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Sikolenko, V.; Paixão, J. A.
2013. Journal of Materials Science, 48 (10), 3852–3856. doi:10.1007/s10853-013-7186-z
Evolution of crystal structure and ferroic properties of La-doped BiFeO3 ceramics near the rhombohedral-orthorhombic phase boundary
Karpinsky, D. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Tovar, M.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Kholkin, A. L.
2013. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 555, 101–107. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.12.055
Karpinsky, D. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Tovar, M.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Kholkin, A. L.
2013. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 555, 101–107. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.12.055
Electromechanical and magnetic properties of BiFeO3-LaFeO 3-CaTiO3 ceramics near the rhombohedral-orthorhombic phase boundary
Karpinsky, D. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Kholkin, A. L.
2013. Journal of Applied Physics, 113 (18), 187218/1–6. doi:10.1063/1.4801960
Karpinsky, D. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Kholkin, A. L.
2013. Journal of Applied Physics, 113 (18), 187218/1–6. doi:10.1063/1.4801960
Magnetic and structural phase transitions in La0.5Sr 0.5CoO3-delta(<=delta<0.3) cobaltites
Karpinsky, D. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Lobanovsky, L. S.; Chobot, A. N.; Ritter, C.; Efimov, V.; Sikolenko, V.; Kholkin, A. L.
2013. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 25 (31), 316004. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/31/316004
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2013. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 25 (31), 316004. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/31/316004
Physical and chemical properties of rocks and well cement for CO2 storage applications in a full-scale borehole simulator
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Earthquake prediction and forecasting
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Visualization of lithosphere subduction: application to the mantle evolution beneath the Japanese Islands. iBook
Helfrich-Schkarbanenko, A.; Honda, S.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Sommer, A.; Tsepelev, I.
2013. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Helfrich-Schkarbanenko, A.; Honda, S.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Sommer, A.; Tsepelev, I.
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Linking mantle upwelling with the lithosphere descent and the Japan Sea evolution: a hypothesis
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2013. Scientific Reports, 3, Article Nr. 1137. doi:10.1038/srep01137
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2013. Scientific Reports, 3, Article Nr. 1137. doi:10.1038/srep01137
Extreme Seismic Events in Models of Lithospheric Block-and-Fault Dynamics
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Le Mouël, J.-L.; Soloviev, A. A.
2012. Extreme Events and Natural Hazards: The Complexity Perspective. Ed.: A.S. Sharma, 75–97, American Geophysical Union. doi:10.1029/2011GM001080
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2012. Extreme Events and Natural Hazards: The Complexity Perspective. Ed.: A.S. Sharma, 75–97, American Geophysical Union. doi:10.1029/2011GM001080
Commensurate-incommensurate magnetic phase transition induced in TbNi5 by an external magnetic field
Bogdanov, S. G.; Gerasimov, E. G.; Skryabin, Y. N.; Sherstobitova, E. A.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Schedler, R.; Pirogov, A. N.
2012. The Physics of Metals and Metallography, 113 (3), 228–232. doi:10.1134/s0031918x12030052
Bogdanov, S. G.; Gerasimov, E. G.; Skryabin, Y. N.; Sherstobitova, E. A.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Schedler, R.; Pirogov, A. N.
2012. The Physics of Metals and Metallography, 113 (3), 228–232. doi:10.1134/s0031918x12030052
The ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases in anion deficient La0.5-xPrxBa0.5CoO3-delta cobaltites
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Cervellino, A.; Raveau, B.
2012. Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (1), 013916. doi:10.1063/1.4733953
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Cervellino, A.; Raveau, B.
2012. Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (1), 013916. doi:10.1063/1.4733953
Crystal electric field effects in Pr0.5Sr0.5CoO3
Clementyev, E. S.; Alekseev, P. A.; Efimov, V. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Ivanov, A. S.; Lazukov, V. N.; Sikolenko, V. V.
2012. Journal of surface investigation : x-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques, 6 (4), 553–558. doi:10.1134/s1027451012070087
Clementyev, E. S.; Alekseev, P. A.; Efimov, V. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Ivanov, A. S.; Lazukov, V. N.; Sikolenko, V. V.
2012. Journal of surface investigation : x-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques, 6 (4), 553–558. doi:10.1134/s1027451012070087
Neutron diffraction studies of the magnetic properties of Pr0.5Sr0.5Co1-x Mn x O3 solid solutions
Sikolenko, V. V.; Efimov, V. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinskii, D. V.
2012. Journal of Surface Investigation X-ray Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 6 (5), 713–717. doi:10.1134/s1027451012090133
Sikolenko, V. V.; Efimov, V. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinskii, D. V.
2012. Journal of Surface Investigation X-ray Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 6 (5), 713–717. doi:10.1134/s1027451012090133
Structural transitions and unusual magnetic behavior in Mn-doped Bi1-xLaxFeO3 perovskites
Khomchenko, V. A.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinsky. D. V.; Das, S.; Amaral, V. S.; Tovar, M.; Sikolenko, V.; Paixão, J. A.
2012. Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (8), 084102. doi:10.1063/1.4759435
Khomchenko, V. A.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinsky. D. V.; Das, S.; Amaral, V. S.; Tovar, M.; Sikolenko, V.; Paixão, J. A.
2012. Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (8), 084102. doi:10.1063/1.4759435
Determining the magnetic ground state of TbNi5 single crystal using polarized neutron scattering technique
Pirogov, A. N.; Bogdanov, S. G.; Lee, S.; Park, J.-G.; Choi, Y.-N.; Lee, H.; Grigorev, S. V.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Sherstobitova, E. A.; Schedler, R.
2012. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324 (22), 3811–3816. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2012.06.019
Pirogov, A. N.; Bogdanov, S. G.; Lee, S.; Park, J.-G.; Choi, Y.-N.; Lee, H.; Grigorev, S. V.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Sherstobitova, E. A.; Schedler, R.
2012. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324 (22), 3811–3816. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2012.06.019
Computational geodynamics for seismic hazard analysis and earthquake prediction
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2012. Encyclopedia of life support systems. Natural Disasters. Ed.: V.M. Kotlyakov, EOLSS Publishers
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2012. Encyclopedia of life support systems. Natural Disasters. Ed.: V.M. Kotlyakov, EOLSS Publishers
Earthquake Prediction, M8 Algorithm
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Kossobokov, V.
2011. Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics. Ed. : H. K. Gupta, 178–182, Springer Science+Business Media. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-8702-7_157
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2011. Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics. Ed. : H. K. Gupta, 178–182, Springer Science+Business Media. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-8702-7_157
Lithosphere–asthenosphere viscosity contrast and decoupling
Doglioni, C.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Panza, G.; Riguzzi, F.
2011. Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 189 (1-2), 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2011.09.006
Doglioni, C.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Panza, G.; Riguzzi, F.
2011. Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 189 (1-2), 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2011.09.006
Isothermal structural transitions, magnetization and large piezoelectric response in Bi1-xLaxFeO3 perovskites
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Khomchenko, V. A.; Kakazei, G. N.; Araujo, J. P.; Tovar, M.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Kholkin, A. L.
2011. Physical Review / B, 83 (5), 054109. doi:10.1103/physrevb.83.054109
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Khomchenko, V. A.; Kakazei, G. N.; Araujo, J. P.; Tovar, M.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Kholkin, A. L.
2011. Physical Review / B, 83 (5), 054109. doi:10.1103/physrevb.83.054109
The low-temperature macroscopic phase separation in La 0.5 Ba 0.5 CoO 3 − delta cobaltite
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.; Cervellino. A.
2011. JETP Letters, 93 (3), 139–143. doi:10.1134/s0021364011030167
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2011. JETP Letters, 93 (3), 139–143. doi:10.1134/s0021364011030167
Interpretation of the Co K-edge EXAFS in LaCoO3 using molecular dynamics simulations
Kuzmin, A.; Efimov, V.; Efimova, E.; Sikolenko, V.; Pascarelli. S.; Troyanchuk, I. O.
2011. Solid State Ionics, 188 (1), 21–24. doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2010.09.036
Kuzmin, A.; Efimov, V.; Efimova, E.; Sikolenko, V.; Pascarelli. S.; Troyanchuk, I. O.
2011. Solid State Ionics, 188 (1), 21–24. doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2010.09.036
Phase transformations and magnetotransport properties of the Pr0.5Sr0.5Co1 - x Mn x O3 system
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Chobot, A. N.; Tereshko, N. V.; Karpinskii, D. V.; Efimov, V.; Sikolenko, V.; Henry, P.
2011. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 112 (5), 837–847. doi:10.1134/s1063776111030162
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Chobot, A. N.; Tereshko, N. V.; Karpinskii, D. V.; Efimov, V.; Sikolenko, V.; Henry, P.
2011. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 112 (5), 837–847. doi:10.1134/s1063776111030162
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and spin re-orientation transition in the frustrated kagome lattice antiferromagnet
Matan, K.; Bartlett, B. M.; Helton, J. S.; Sikolenko, V.; Mat’aus, S.; Prokeus, K.; Chen, Y.; Lynn, J. W.; Grohol, D.; Sato, T. J.; u. a.
2011. Physical review / B, 83 (2), 214406. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.214406
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2011. Physical review / B, 83 (2), 214406. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.214406
Structural phase evolution in Bi 7/8 Ln 1/8 FeO 3 ( Ln = La-Dy) series
Khomchenko, V. A.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Mantytskaya, O. S.; Sikolenko, V.; Paixão, J. A.
2011. Metal Powder Report, 65 (12), 1970–1972. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2011.04.009
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2011. Metal Powder Report, 65 (12), 1970–1972. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2011.04.009
Inelastic neutron scattering study of the lattice dynamics of LaCoO3
Rybina, A. V.; Efimov, V. V.; Alekseev, P. A.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Ivanov, A. S.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Clementyev, E. S.
2011. Journal of surface investigation : x-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques, 5 (6), 1140–1143. doi:10.1134/s1027451011120111
Rybina, A. V.; Efimov, V. V.; Alekseev, P. A.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Ivanov, A. S.; Sikolenko, V. V.; Clementyev, E. S.
2011. Journal of surface investigation : x-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques, 5 (6), 1140–1143. doi:10.1134/s1027451011120111
Atomic scale view on partially molten rocks: Molecular dynamics simulations of melt-wetted olivine grain boundaries
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2011. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 (B12), 12209. doi:10.1029/2011JB008519
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Progress report on the first European on-shore CO2 storage site at Ketzin (Germany) - Second year of injection
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Computational Methods for Geodynamics
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2010. Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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The Astrakhan Arch of the Pricaspian basin: Geothermal analysis and modelling – The Astrakhan arch of the Pricaspian basin
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Scenario-based earthquake hazard and risk assessment for Baku (Azerbaijan)
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2010. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 10 (12), 2697–2712. doi:10.5194/nhess-10-2697-2010
Babayev, G.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Le Mouël, J.-L.
2010. Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 10 (12), 2697–2712. doi:10.5194/nhess-10-2697-2010
Magnetic peculiarity and crystal structure of Pr0.5Sr0.5Co1-xFexO3
Karpinsky, D. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Chobot, G. M.; Efimov, V. V.; Prokhnenko. O.; Sikolenko, V.
2010. Physica status solidi / B, 247 (2), 411–415. doi:10.1002/pssb.200945283
Karpinsky, D. V.; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Chobot, G. M.; Efimov, V. V.; Prokhnenko. O.; Sikolenko, V.
2010. Physica status solidi / B, 247 (2), 411–415. doi:10.1002/pssb.200945283
Structural and magnetic phases of Bi1-xAxFeO3-delta (A = Sr, Pb) perovskites
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Sirenko, V.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.
2010. The European Physical Journal / B, 73 (3), 375–381. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2010-00004-y
Troyanchuk, I. O.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Sirenko, V.; Sikolenko, V.; Efimov, V.
2010. The European Physical Journal / B, 73 (3), 375–381. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2010-00004-y
Incommensurate spin-density-wave order in quasi-one-dimensional metallic antiferromagnet NaV2O4
Nozaki, H.; Sugiyama, J.; Månsson, M.; Harada, M.; Pomjakushin, V.; Sikolenko, V.; Cervellino, A.; Roessli, B.; Sakurai, H.
2010. Physical review / B, 81 (10), Art.Nr.100410. doi:10.1103/physrevb.81.100410
Nozaki, H.; Sugiyama, J.; Månsson, M.; Harada, M.; Pomjakushin, V.; Sikolenko, V.; Cervellino, A.; Roessli, B.; Sakurai, H.
2010. Physical review / B, 81 (10), Art.Nr.100410. doi:10.1103/physrevb.81.100410
Techniques for measuring the elastic wave velocities of melts and partial molten systems under high pressure conditions
Müller, H.-J.; Roetzler, K.; Schilling, F. R.; Lathe, C.; Wehber, M.
2010. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 71 (8), 1108–1117. doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2010.03.016
Müller, H.-J.; Roetzler, K.; Schilling, F. R.; Lathe, C.; Wehber, M.
2010. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 71 (8), 1108–1117. doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2010.03.016
CO2SINK - From site characterisation and risk assessment to monitoring and verification: One year of operational experience with the field laboratory for CO2 storage at Ketzin, Germany
Würdemann, H.; Möller, F.; Kühn, M.; Heidug, W.; Christensen, N. P.; Borm, G.; Schilling, F. R.
2010. International journal of greenhouse gas control, 4 (6), 938–951. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2010.08.010
Würdemann, H.; Möller, F.; Kühn, M.; Heidug, W.; Christensen, N. P.; Borm, G.; Schilling, F. R.
2010. International journal of greenhouse gas control, 4 (6), 938–951. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2010.08.010
Poroelastic contribution to the reservoir stress path
Altmann, J. B.; Müller, T.; Müller, B.; Tingay, M.; Heidbach, O.
2010. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47 (7), 1104–1113. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.08.001
Altmann, J. B.; Müller, T.; Müller, B.; Tingay, M.; Heidbach, O.
2010. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47 (7), 1104–1113. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.08.001
Global crustal stress pattern based on the World Stress Map database release 2008
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.; Barth, A.; Reinecker, J.; Kurfeß, D.; Müller, B.
2010. Tectonophysics, 482 (1), 3–15. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.07.023
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.; Barth, A.; Reinecker, J.; Kurfeß, D.; Müller, B.
2010. Tectonophysics, 482 (1), 3–15. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.07.023
Effects of poroelastic coupling on microseismic signatures
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Heidbach, O.
2010. 2009 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 25 - 30, 2009, 1860–1864, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Heidbach, O.
2010. 2009 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 25 - 30, 2009, 1860–1864, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
Fluid-induced microseismicity in pre-stressed rock masses
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Heidbach, O.
2010. Geophysical Journal International, 180 (2), 813–819. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04443.x
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Heidbach, O.
2010. Geophysical Journal International, 180 (2), 813–819. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04443.x
Computational geodynamics as a component of comprehensive seismic hazards analysis
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2010. Natural Hazards: Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Awareness. Ed.: T. Beer, 161–177, Springer Science+Business Media. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-3236-2_11
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2010. Natural Hazards: Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Awareness. Ed.: T. Beer, 161–177, Springer Science+Business Media. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-3236-2_11
International Cooperation in Geophysics to Benefit Society
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Beer, T.
2009. Eos, 90 (51), 493–502. doi:10.1029/2009EO510001
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Beer, T.
2009. Eos, 90 (51), 493–502. doi:10.1029/2009EO510001
Status Report on the First European on-shore CO2 Storage Site at Ketzin (Germany)
Schilling, F. R.; Borm, G.; Würdemann, H.; Möller, F.; Kühn, M.
2009. Energy Procedia, 1 (1), 2029–2035. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2009.01.264
Schilling, F. R.; Borm, G.; Würdemann, H.; Möller, F.; Kühn, M.
2009. Energy Procedia, 1 (1), 2029–2035. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2009.01.264
The World Stress Map database release 2008, 1:46
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.; Barth, A.; Reinecker, J.; Kurfeß, D.; Müller, B.
2009. Commission for the Geological Map of the World. doi:10.1594/GFZ.WSM.Map2009
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.; Barth, A.; Reinecker, J.; Kurfeß, D.; Müller, B.
2009. Commission for the Geological Map of the World. doi:10.1594/GFZ.WSM.Map2009
Elastic Shear Anisotropy of Ferropericlase in Earth’s Lower Mantle
Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Garnero, E. J.
2009. Science, 324 (5924), 224–226
Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Garnero, E. J.
2009. Science, 324 (5924), 224–226
Single-crystal elastic properties of (Y, Yb)3Al5O12
Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Jahn, S.; Ganschow, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2009. Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (9), 093519/1–5
Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Jahn, S.; Ganschow, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2009. Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (9), 093519/1–5
Single-crystal Elasticity of (Mg,Fe)O to 81.2 GPa
Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R.
2009. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287 (3-4), 345–352
Marquardt, H.; Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Frost, D. J.; Schilling, F. R.
2009. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287 (3-4), 345–352
Thermal diffusivity of natural and synthetic garnet solid solution series
Marquardt, H.; Ganschow, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2009. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36 (2), 107–118
Marquardt, H.; Ganschow, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2009. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36 (2), 107–118
Stress-induced Spatial Anisotropy of Microseismicity Distributions
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.
2009. Extended abstracts CD-ROM & Exhibitors’ Catalogue of the 71st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009Extended abstracts CD-ROM & Exhibitors’ Catalogue of the 71st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8-11 June 2009, 5, EAGE Publications bv
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.
2009. Extended abstracts CD-ROM & Exhibitors’ Catalogue of the 71st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009Extended abstracts CD-ROM & Exhibitors’ Catalogue of the 71st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8-11 June 2009, 5, EAGE Publications bv
Three-dimensional numerical modeling of contemporary mantle flow and tectonic stress beneath the Central Mediterranean
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Aoudia, A.; Panza, G.
2009. Tectonophysics, 482 (1-4), 226–236. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.07.013
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Aoudia, A.; Panza, G.
2009. Tectonophysics, 482 (1-4), 226–236. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.07.013
Numerical techniques for solving the inverse retrospective problem of thermal evolution of the Earth interior
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.
2009. Computers & Structures, 87 (11 - 12), 802–811
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.
2009. Computers & Structures, 87 (11 - 12), 802–811
Geothermal evolution of the Astrakhan Arch region of the Pricaspian basin
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Wilhelm, H.; Volozh, Y.
2008. International journal of earth sciences, 97 (5), 1029–1043. doi:10.1007/s00531-007-0258-z
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Wilhelm, H.; Volozh, Y.
2008. International journal of earth sciences, 97 (5), 1029–1043. doi:10.1007/s00531-007-0258-z
Thermal evolution and geometry of the descending lithosphere beneath the SE-Carpathians: An insight from the past
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.; Korotkii, A.
2008. Earth and planetary science letters, 273 (1-2), 68–79. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.012
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.; Korotkii, A.
2008. Earth and planetary science letters, 273 (1-2), 68–79. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.012
The World Stress Map database release 2008, 1:46
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.; Barth, A.; Reinecker, J.; Kurfeß, D.; Müller, B.
2008. Commission for the Geological Map of the World. doi:10.1594/GFZ.WSM.Rel2008
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.; Barth, A.; Reinecker, J.; Kurfeß, D.; Müller, B.
2008. Commission for the Geological Map of the World. doi:10.1594/GFZ.WSM.Rel2008
Single-crystal elastic constants of natural ettringite
Speziale, S.; Jiang, F.; Mao, Z.; Monteiro, P. J. M.; Wenk, H. R.; Duffy, T. S.; Schilling, F. R.
2008. Cement and Concrete Research, 38 (7), 885–889
Speziale, S.; Jiang, F.; Mao, Z.; Monteiro, P. J. M.; Wenk, H. R.; Duffy, T. S.; Schilling, F. R.
2008. Cement and Concrete Research, 38 (7), 885–889
Determination of the elastic constants of portlandite by Brillouin spectroscopy
Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Wenk, H. R.; Monteiro, P. J. M.
2008. Cement and Concrete Research, 38 (10), 1148–1153
Speziale, S.; Reichmann, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Wenk, H. R.; Monteiro, P. J. M.
2008. Cement and Concrete Research, 38 (10), 1148–1153
Modellierung von porendruckinduzierten Änderungen des Spannungsfelds in Reservoiren
Altmann, J. B.; Dorner, A.; Schoenball, M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Müller, T. M.
2008. Der Geothermiekongress 2008, Karlsruhe, 11.-13. November 2008, 425–433, Geothermische Vereinigung
Altmann, J. B.; Dorner, A.; Schoenball, M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Müller, T. M.
2008. Der Geothermiekongress 2008, Karlsruhe, 11.-13. November 2008, 425–433, Geothermische Vereinigung
Modelling porepressure/stress couping in stressed systems, in First Southern Hemisphere
Müller, B.; Altmann, J.; Dorner, A.; Müller, T. M.; Tingay, M.
2008. Proceedings of SHIRMS 2008 - 1st Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium, 16 - 19 September 2008, Perth, Western Australia. Ed.: Y. Potvin, 275–286, ACG
Müller, B.; Altmann, J.; Dorner, A.; Müller, T. M.; Tingay, M.
2008. Proceedings of SHIRMS 2008 - 1st Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium, 16 - 19 September 2008, Perth, Western Australia. Ed.: Y. Potvin, 275–286, ACG
Towards 3D spatio-temporal pore pressure stress coupling prediction in reservoirs
Altmann, J. B.; Müller, B.; Tingay, M.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, T. M.
2008. 70th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers conference & exhibition (incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008), June 9 - 12, 2008, Rome, Italy, Curran
Altmann, J. B.; Müller, B.; Tingay, M.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, T. M.
2008. 70th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers conference & exhibition (incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008), June 9 - 12, 2008, Rome, Italy, Curran
The World Stress Map
Heidbach, O.; Wenzel, F.; Fuchs, K.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Sperner, B.; Tingay, M.
2008. Episodes: Journal of International Geoscience, 30 (3), 197–202
Heidbach, O.; Wenzel, F.; Fuchs, K.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Sperner, B.; Tingay, M.
2008. Episodes: Journal of International Geoscience, 30 (3), 197–202
Tectonic stress, seismicity, and seismic hazard in the southeastern Carpathians
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Sokolov, V.; Bonjer, K.-P.
2007. Natural hazards, 42 (3), 493–514. doi:10.1007/s11069-006-9074-1
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Sokolov, V.; Bonjer, K.-P.
2007. Natural hazards, 42 (3), 493–514. doi:10.1007/s11069-006-9074-1
Buoyancy-driven deformation and contemporary tectonic stress in the lithosphere beneath Central Italy
Aoudia, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Romanelli, F.
2007. Terra nova, 19 (6), 490–495. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2007.00776.x
Aoudia, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Romanelli, F.
2007. Terra nova, 19 (6), 490–495. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2007.00776.x
Preventive disaster management of extreme natural events
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Takeuchi, K.
2007. Natural Hazards, 42 (3), 459–467
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Takeuchi, K.
2007. Natural Hazards, 42 (3), 459–467
t* - an unsuitable parameter to characterize anelastic attenuation in the Eastern Carpathians
Wenzel, F.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Weidle, C.
2007. Geophysical Journal International, 170 (3), 1139–1150
Wenzel, F.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Weidle, C.
2007. Geophysical Journal International, 170 (3), 1139–1150
Numerical modeling of crustal block-and-fault dynamics, earthquakes and slip rates in the Tibet-Himalayan region
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Le Mouel, J.-L.; Soloviev, A.; Tapponnier, P.; Vorovieva, I.
2007. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 258 (3-4), 465–485
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Le Mouel, J.-L.; Soloviev, A.; Tapponnier, P.; Vorovieva, I.
2007. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 258 (3-4), 465–485
Quasi-reversibility method for data assimilation in models of mantle dynamics
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.
2007. Geophysical Journal International, 170 (3), 1381–1398
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.
2007. Geophysical Journal International, 170 (3), 1381–1398
Attached or not attached: Slab dynamics beneath Vrancea, Romania
Heidbach, O.; Ledermann, P.; Kurfeß, D.; Peters, G.; Buchmann, T.; Sperner, B.; Müller, B.; Nuckelt, A.; Schmitt, G.
2007. Proceedings / International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, October 4 - 6, 2007, Bucharest, Romania. Ed.: G. Schmitt, 18, Matrix ROM
Heidbach, O.; Ledermann, P.; Kurfeß, D.; Peters, G.; Buchmann, T.; Sperner, B.; Müller, B.; Nuckelt, A.; Schmitt, G.
2007. Proceedings / International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, October 4 - 6, 2007, Bucharest, Romania. Ed.: G. Schmitt, 18, Matrix ROM
World Stress Map Published
Heidbach, O.; Wenzel, F.; Müller, B.; Fuchs, K.; Reinecker, J.; Tingay, M.; Sperner, B.; Cadet, J.-P.; Rossi, P.
2007. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 88 (47), 504
Heidbach, O.; Wenzel, F.; Müller, B.; Fuchs, K.; Reinecker, J.; Tingay, M.; Sperner, B.; Cadet, J.-P.; Rossi, P.
2007. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 88 (47), 504
Plate boundary forces are not enough: Second- and third-order stress patterns highlighted in the World Stress Map database
Heidbach, O.; Wenzel, F.; Reinecker, J.; Tingay, M.; Müller, B.; Sperner, B.; Fuchs, K.
2007. Tectonics, 26 (6), TC6014
Heidbach, O.; Wenzel, F.; Reinecker, J.; Tingay, M.; Müller, B.; Sperner, B.; Fuchs, K.
2007. Tectonics, 26 (6), TC6014
Geothermal Evolution of the Astrakhan Crest Region of the Pricaspian Basin, Russia
Krupsky, D.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Wilhelm, H.; Volozh, Y.
2006. Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainabe Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region : Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region. Ed. : A. Ismail-Zadeh, 120–131, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Krupsky, D.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Wilhelm, H.; Volozh, Y.
2006. Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainabe Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region : Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region. Ed. : A. Ismail-Zadeh, 120–131, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the inverse problem of thermal convection using the quasi-reversibility method
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Korotkii, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A.
2006. Computational mathematics and mathematical physics, 46 (12), 2176–2186. doi:10.1134/S0965542506120153
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Korotkii, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A.
2006. Computational mathematics and mathematical physics, 46 (12), 2176–2186. doi:10.1134/S0965542506120153
HARWI-II: A new High Pressure Beamline Equipped with a Large-Volume Press
Lathe, C.; Müller, H.-J.; Schilling, F. R.; Reichmann, H. J.; Lauterjung, J.
2006. Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science, 5 (1-2), 111–114
Lathe, C.; Müller, H.-J.; Schilling, F. R.; Reichmann, H. J.; Lauterjung, J.
2006. Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science, 5 (1-2), 111–114
Thermal diffusivity of felsic to mafic granulites at elevated temperatures
Labani, R.; Förster, H.-J.; Schilling, F. R.; Förster, A.
2006. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 251 (3-4), 241–253
Labani, R.; Förster, H.-J.; Schilling, F. R.; Förster, A.
2006. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 251 (3-4), 241–253
Partial Melting in the Central Andean Crust: A Review of Geophysical, Petrophysical, and Petrologic Evidence
Schilling, F. R.; Trumbull, R. B.; Brasse, H.; Haberland, C.; Asch, G.; Bruhn, D.; Mai, K.; Haak, V.; Giese, P.; Muñoz, M.
2006. The Andes: active subduction orogeny. Ed.: O. Oncken, 459–474, Springer-Verlag
Schilling, F. R.; Trumbull, R. B.; Brasse, H.; Haberland, C.; Asch, G.; Bruhn, D.; Mai, K.; Haak, V.; Giese, P.; Muñoz, M.
2006. The Andes: active subduction orogeny. Ed.: O. Oncken, 459–474, Springer-Verlag
State and Origin of the Present-day Stress Field in Sedimentary Basins: New Results from the World Stress Map Project
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M. R. P.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.
2006. Golden Rocks 2006 / Proceedings ofthe 41st US Rock Mechanics Symposium - 50 Years of Rock Mechanics, 17-21 June 2006, Golden, Colorado. Ed.: D. P. Yale, 12, Curran
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M. R. P.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.
2006. Golden Rocks 2006 / Proceedings ofthe 41st US Rock Mechanics Symposium - 50 Years of Rock Mechanics, 17-21 June 2006, Golden, Colorado. Ed.: D. P. Yale, 12, Curran
The World Stress Map - a freely accessible tool for geohazard
Müller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.
2006. Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, Baku, Azerbaijan, 3 - 6 July 2005. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 19–31, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Müller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.
2006. Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, Baku, Azerbaijan, 3 - 6 July 2005. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 19–31, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Three-dimensional forward and backward numerical modeling of mantle plume evolution: Effects of thermal diffusion
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.; Korotkii, A.
2006. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 111 (6), Art. Nr: B06401. doi:10.1029/2005JB003782
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.; Korotkii, A.
2006. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 111 (6), Art. Nr: B06401. doi:10.1029/2005JB003782
Numerical reconstruction of the initial temperature of diapiric structures in the earth: Effect of the heat diffusion
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.
2005. 3rd M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics; Boston, MA; United States; 14 June 2005 through 17 June 2005. Ed.: K.-J. Bathe, 679–682, Elsevier
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.
2005. 3rd M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics; Boston, MA; United States; 14 June 2005 through 17 June 2005. Ed.: K.-J. Bathe, 679–682, Elsevier
The influence of OH in coesite on the kinetics of the coesite-quartz phase transition
Lathe, C.; Koch-Müller, M.; Wirth, R.; Westrenen, W. van; Mueller, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Lauterjung, J.
2005. American Mineralogist, 90 (1), 36–43
Lathe, C.; Koch-Müller, M.; Wirth, R.; Westrenen, W. van; Mueller, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Lauterjung, J.
2005. American Mineralogist, 90 (1), 36–43
Calibration based on a primary pressure scale in a multi-anvil device
Mueller, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Lathe, C.; Lauterjung, J.
2005. Advances in high-pressure technology for geophysical applications. Ed.: J. Chen, 427–449, Elsevier
Mueller, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Lathe, C.; Lauterjung, J.
2005. Advances in high-pressure technology for geophysical applications. Ed.: J. Chen, 427–449, Elsevier
Simultaneous determination of elastic and structural properties under simulated mantle conditions using multi-anvil device MAX80
Mueller, H. J.; Lathe, C.; Schilling, F. R.
2005. Advances in high-pressure technology for geophysical applications. Ed.: J. Chen, 67–94, Elsevier
Mueller, H. J.; Lathe, C.; Schilling, F. R.
2005. Advances in high-pressure technology for geophysical applications. Ed.: J. Chen, 67–94, Elsevier
Thermal diffusivity of olivinesinglecrystals and a dunite at high temperature: Evidence for heattransfer by radiation in the upper mantle
Gibert, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Gratz, K.; Tommasi, A.
2005. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 151 (1-2), 129–141
Gibert, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Gratz, K.; Tommasi, A.
2005. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 151 (1-2), 129–141
Cooling behavior of particle filled polypropylene during injection molding process
Weidenfeller, B.; Höfer, M.; Schilling, F. R.
2005. Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing, 36 (3), 345–351
Weidenfeller, B.; Höfer, M.; Schilling, F. R.
2005. Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing, 36 (3), 345–351
Understanding tectonic stress in the oil patch: The World Stress Map Project
Tingay, M.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Heidbach, O.; Fleckenstein, P.; Wenzel, F.
2005. The Leading Edge, 24 (12), 1276–1282
Tingay, M.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Heidbach, O.; Fleckenstein, P.; Wenzel, F.
2005. The Leading Edge, 24 (12), 1276–1282
The World Stress Map - A Freely Accessible Tool For Geohazard Assessment
Müller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.
2005. Recent geodynamics, georisk and sustainable development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, 3-6 July 2005, Baku, Azerbaijan. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 19–31, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Müller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.
2005. Recent geodynamics, georisk and sustainable development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, 3-6 July 2005, Baku, Azerbaijan. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 19–31, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Modelling of descending slab evolution beneath the SE-Carpathians: Implications for seismicity
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Mueller, B.; Wenzel, F.
2005. Perspectives in Modern Seismology. Ed.: F. Wenzel, 205–226, Springer-Verlag
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Mueller, B.; Wenzel, F.
2005. Perspectives in Modern Seismology. Ed.: F. Wenzel, 205–226, Springer-Verlag
Three-dimensional modeling of present-day tectonic stress beneath the earthquake-prone southeastern Carpathians based on integrated analysis of seismic, heat flow, and gravity observations
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Mueller, B.; Schubert, G.
2005. Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 149 (1-2), 81–98
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Mueller, B.; Schubert, G.
2005. Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 149 (1-2), 81–98
A focus on risk science and sustainable development
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2004. Eos, 85 (44), 453. doi:10.1029/2004EO440006
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2004. Eos, 85 (44), 453. doi:10.1029/2004EO440006
Three-dimensional forward and backward modelling of diapirism: numerical approach and its applicability to the evolution of salt structures in the Pricaspian basin
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Talbot, C.; Korotkii, A.
2004. Tectonophysics, 387 (1-4), 81–103. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2004.06.006
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Talbot, C.; Korotkii, A.
2004. Tectonophysics, 387 (1-4), 81–103. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2004.06.006
Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, and Specific Heat Capacity of Particle Filled Polymers
Weidenfeller, B.; Höfer, M.; Schilling, F. R.
2004. Composites Part A, Applied Sciences and Manufacturing, 35 (4), 423–430
Weidenfeller, B.; Höfer, M.; Schilling, F. R.
2004. Composites Part A, Applied Sciences and Manufacturing, 35 (4), 423–430
Temperature distribution in piston-cylinder assemblies: Numerical simulations and laboratory experiments
Schilling, F. R.; Wunder, B.
2004. European Journal of Mineralogy, 16 (1), 7–14
Schilling, F. R.; Wunder, B.
2004. European Journal of Mineralogy, 16 (1), 7–14
Inverse problem of thermal convection: Numerical approach and application to mantle plume restoration
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.; Korotkii, A.
2004. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 145 (1-4), 99–114
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.; Korotkii, A.
2004. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 145 (1-4), 99–114
Die Weltkarte der tektonischen Spannungen: Methoden - Ergebnisse - Anwendung
Wenzel, F.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.
2004. Fridericiana - Zeitschrift der Universität Karlsruhe, (63), 19–34
Wenzel, F.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.
2004. Fridericiana - Zeitschrift der Universität Karlsruhe, (63), 19–34
Correcting for tool decentralisation of oriented 6-arm caliper logs for determination of contemporary tectonic stress orientation
Wagner, D.; Müller, B.; Tingay, M.
2004. Petrophysics, 46 (6), 530–539
Wagner, D.; Müller, B.; Tingay, M.
2004. Petrophysics, 46 (6), 530–539
Stress Maps in a Minute: The 2004 World Stress Map Release
Heidbach, O.; Barth, A.; Connolly, P.; Fuchs, K.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Sperner, B.; Tingay, M.; Wenzel, F.
2004. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 85 (49), 521–529. doi:10.1029/2004EO490001
Heidbach, O.; Barth, A.; Connolly, P.; Fuchs, K.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Sperner, B.; Tingay, M.; Wenzel, F.
2004. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 85 (49), 521–529. doi:10.1029/2004EO490001
Numerical apporach to 3D forward modeling of slow viscous flow
Tsepelev, I. A.; Korotkii, A. I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2003. Computational fluid and solid mechanics 2003 ; proceedings, Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17-20, 2003. Ed.: k.-J. Bathe, 1169–1171, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-008044046-0.50286-4
Tsepelev, I. A.; Korotkii, A. I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2003. Computational fluid and solid mechanics 2003 ; proceedings, Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17-20, 2003. Ed.: k.-J. Bathe, 1169–1171, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-008044046-0.50286-4
Numerical approach to solving problems of slow viscous flow backwards in time
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Korotkii, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A.
2003. Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003., 938–941, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-008044046-0.50230-X
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.; Korotkii, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A.
2003. Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003., 938–941, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-008044046-0.50230-X
Modelling of Stress and Seismicity in the South-Eastern Carpathians
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2003. Risk Science and Sustainability. Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of Society. Ed. T. Beer, 149–162, Springer Science+Business Media
Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2003. Risk Science and Sustainability. Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development of Society. Ed. T. Beer, 149–162, Springer Science+Business Media
Models of Dynamics of Block-and-Fault Systems
Soloviev, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2003. Nonlinear Dynamics of the Lithosphere and Earthquake Prediction. Ed. : V. Keilis-Borok, 71–139, Springer-Verlag
Soloviev, A.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2003. Nonlinear Dynamics of the Lithosphere and Earthquake Prediction. Ed. : V. Keilis-Borok, 71–139, Springer-Verlag
Salt structures and hydrocarbons in the Pricaspian basin
Volozh, Y.; Talbot, C.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2003. AAPG bulletin, 87 (2), 313–334. doi:10.1306/09060200896
Volozh, Y.; Talbot, C.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2003. AAPG bulletin, 87 (2), 313–334. doi:10.1306/09060200896
A Standard Free Pressure Calibration Using Simultanious XRD and Elastic Property Measurements in a Multi-Anvil Device
Mueller, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Lauterjung, J.; Lathe, C.
2003. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15 (5), 865–874
Mueller, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Lauterjung, J.; Lathe, C.
2003. European Journal of Mineralogy, 15 (5), 865–874
Single-Crystal Elastic Properties of Lawsonite and their Variation with Temperature
Schilling, F. R.; Sinogeikin, S. V.; Bass, J. D.
2003. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 136 (1-2), 107–118
Schilling, F. R.; Sinogeikin, S. V.; Bass, J. D.
2003. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 136 (1-2), 107–118
The Elastic Properties of Modal Basaltic Melt-Compositions at High Temperatures
Schilling, F. R.; Sinogeikin, S. V.; Hauser, M.; Bass, J. D.
2003. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (B6), 2304
Schilling, F. R.; Sinogeikin, S. V.; Hauser, M.; Bass, J. D.
2003. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (B6), 2304
Thermal diffusivity of olivine single-crystals and polycrystalline aggregates at ambient conditions - a comparison
Gibert, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Tommasi, A.; Mainprice, D.
2003. Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (22), 2172
Gibert, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Tommasi, A.; Mainprice, D.
2003. Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (22), 2172
Tectonic stress in the earth`s crust: advances in the World Stress Map project
Sperner, B.; Mueller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Delvaux, D.; Reinecker, J.; Fuchs, K.
2003. New insights in structural interpretation and modelling. Ed.: D. A. Nieuwland, 101–116, Geological Society
Sperner, B.; Mueller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Delvaux, D.; Reinecker, J.; Fuchs, K.
2003. New insights in structural interpretation and modelling. Ed.: D. A. Nieuwland, 101–116, Geological Society
A new method for smoothing orientated data and its application to stress data
Mueller, B.; Wehrle, V.; Hettel, S.; Sperner, B.; Fuchs, K.
2003. Fracture and in-situ stress characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Ed.: M. S. Ameen, 107–126, Geological Society
Mueller, B.; Wehrle, V.; Hettel, S.; Sperner, B.; Fuchs, K.
2003. Fracture and in-situ stress characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Ed.: M. S. Ameen, 107–126, Geological Society
The tectonic regime in Italy inferred from borehole breakout data
Mariucci, M. T.; Müller, B.
2003. Tectonophysics, 361 (1), 21–36
Mariucci, M. T.; Müller, B.
2003. Tectonophysics, 361 (1), 21–36
Symmetric and asymmetric interferometric method for ultrasonic compressional and shear wave velocity measurements in piston-cylinder and multi-anvil high-pressure apparatus
Mueller, H. J.; Lauterjung, J.; Schilling, F. R.; Lathe, C.; Nover, G.
2002. European Journal of Mineralogy, 14 (3), 581–590
Mueller, H. J.; Lauterjung, J.; Schilling, F. R.; Lathe, C.; Nover, G.
2002. European Journal of Mineralogy, 14 (3), 581–590
Genesis of granulite in Himalayan lower crust: Evidence from experimental study of high temperature and high pressure
Yang, X.; Jin, Z.; Huenges, E.; Schilling, F. R.
2002. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47 (6), 448–454
Yang, X.; Jin, Z.; Huenges, E.; Schilling, F. R.
2002. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47 (6), 448–454
Thermal and Electrical Properties of Magnetite Filled Polymers
Weidenfeller, B.; Höfer, M.; Schilling, F. R.
2002. Composites Part A, Applied Sciences and Manufacturing, 33 (8), 1041–1053
Weidenfeller, B.; Höfer, M.; Schilling, F. R.
2002. Composites Part A, Applied Sciences and Manufacturing, 33 (8), 1041–1053
Heat-Transfer in Quartz, Orthoclase, and Sanidine at Elevated Temperature
Hoefer, M.; Schilling, F. R.
2002. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 29 (9), 571–584
Hoefer, M.; Schilling, F. R.
2002. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 29 (9), 571–584
Experimental study on dehydration melting of natural biotite-plagioclase gneiss from High Himalayas and implications for Himalayan crust anatexis
Yang, X.; Jin, Z.; Huenges, E.; Schilling, F. R.; Wunder, B.
2001. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46 (10), 867–871
Yang, X.; Jin, Z.; Huenges, E.; Schilling, F. R.; Wunder, B.
2001. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46 (10), 867–871
Quantifying partial melt fraction in the crust beneath the central andes and the Tibetan plateau
Schilling, F. R.; Partzsch, G. M.
2001. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, 26 (4-5), 239–246
Schilling, F. R.; Partzsch, G. M.
2001. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, 26 (4-5), 239–246
Compositional dependence of elastic properties and density of glasses in the system anorthite-diopside-forsterite
Schilling, F. R.; Hauser, M.; Sinogeikin, S. V.; Bass, J. D.
2001. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 141 (3), 297–306
Schilling, F. R.; Hauser, M.; Sinogeikin, S. V.; Bass, J. D.
2001. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 141 (3), 297–306
World Stress Map of the Earth: a key to tectonic processes and technological applications
Fuchs, K.; Mueller, B.
2001. Naturwissenschaften, 88 (9), 357–371
Fuchs, K.; Mueller, B.
2001. Naturwissenschaften, 88 (9), 357–371
Slab break-off - abrupt cut or gradual detachment? New insights from the Vrancea region (SE-Carpathians, Romania)
Sperner, B.; Lorenz, F. P.; Bonjer, K.-P.; Hettel, S.; Mueller, B.; Wenzel, F.
2001. Terra Nova, 13 (3), 172–179
Sperner, B.; Lorenz, F. P.; Bonjer, K.-P.; Hettel, S.; Mueller, B.; Wenzel, F.
2001. Terra Nova, 13 (3), 172–179
The Influence of Partial Melting on the Electrical Behavior of Crustal Rocks: Laboratory Examinations, Model Calculations and Geological Interpretations
Partzsch, G. M.; Schilling, F. R.; Arndt, J.
2000. Tectonophysics, 317 (3-4), 189–203
Partzsch, G. M.; Schilling, F. R.; Arndt, J.
2000. Tectonophysics, 317 (3-4), 189–203
Single Crystal Elasticity of Lawsonite
Sinogeikin, S.; Schilling, F. R.; Bass, J. D.
2000. American Mineralogist, 85 (11-12), 1834–1837
Sinogeikin, S.; Schilling, F. R.; Bass, J. D.
2000. American Mineralogist, 85 (11-12), 1834–1837
Contemporary tectonic stress: advances in research and industry
Mueller, B.; Sperner, B.
2000. EOS, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union 81 (2000) H. 13 S. 137-140
Mueller, B.; Sperner, B.
2000. EOS, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union 81 (2000) H. 13 S. 137-140
Patterns of tectonic stress in Sicily from borehole breakout observations and finite element modeling
Ragg, S.; Grasso, M.; Müller, B.
1999. Tectonics, 18 (4), 669–685. doi:10.1029/1999TC900010
Ragg, S.; Grasso, M.; Müller, B.
1999. Tectonics, 18 (4), 669–685. doi:10.1029/1999TC900010
Recent tectonic stress and crustal deformation in and around the Pannonian Basin: data and models
Gerner, P.; Bada, G.; Dövényi, P.; Müller, B.; Oncescu, M. C.; Cloetingh, S.; Horváth, F.
1999. Special publication / the Geological Society, London, 156 (1), 269–294. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.156.01.14
Gerner, P.; Bada, G.; Dövényi, P.; Müller, B.; Oncescu, M. C.; Cloetingh, S.; Horváth, F.
1999. Special publication / the Geological Society, London, 156 (1), 269–294. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.156.01.14
Crustal Thickening Processes in the Central Andes and the Different Natures of the Moho-Discontinuity
Giese, P.; Scheuber, E.; Schilling, F. R.; Schmitz, M.; Wigger, P.
1999. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 12 (2), 201–220
Giese, P.; Scheuber, E.; Schilling, F. R.; Schmitz, M.; Wigger, P.
1999. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 12 (2), 201–220
A transient technique to measure thermal diffusivity at elevated temperatures
Schilling, F. R.
1999. European Journal of Mineralogy, 11 (6), 1115–1124
Schilling, F. R.
1999. European Journal of Mineralogy, 11 (6), 1115–1124
Patterns of tectonic stress in Sicily from borehole breakout observations and finite element modelling
Ragg, S.; Grasso, M.; Mueller, B.
1999. Tectonics 18 (1999) S. 669-685
Ragg, S.; Grasso, M.; Mueller, B.
1999. Tectonics 18 (1999) S. 669-685
Stress orientation and tectonic regime in the northwestern Valencia Trough from borehole data
Schindler, A.; Jurado, M. J.; Mueller, B.
1998. Tectonophysics 300 (1998) H. 1/4 S. 63-78
Schindler, A.; Jurado, M. J.; Mueller, B.
1998. Tectonophysics 300 (1998) H. 1/4 S. 63-78
Seismic, Gravity and Petrological Evidence for Partial Melt Beneath the Thickened Central Andean Crust (21-23°S)
Schmitz, M.; Heinsohn, W.-D.; Schilling, F. R.
1997. Tectonophysics, 270 (3), 313–326
Schmitz, M.; Heinsohn, W.-D.; Schilling, F. R.
1997. Tectonophysics, 270 (3), 313–326
Thermal and Rheological Properties of Granodioritic Rocks from the Central Andes
Arndt, J.; Bartel, T.; Scheuber, E.; Schilling, F. R.
1997. Tectonophysics, 271 (1-2), 75–88
Arndt, J.; Bartel, T.; Scheuber, E.; Schilling, F. R.
1997. Tectonophysics, 271 (1-2), 75–88
Partial Melting Below the Magmatic Arc in the Central Andes Deduced from Geoelectromagnetic Field Experiments and Laboratory Data
Schilling, F. R.; Partzsch, G. M.; Brasse, H.; Schwarz, G.
1997. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 103 (1-2), 17–31
Schilling, F. R.; Partzsch, G. M.; Brasse, H.; Schwarz, G.
1997. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 103 (1-2), 17–31
The Effect of Fluids on Thermal Diffusivity of some Magmatic Rocks
Schilling, F. R.
1997. Physics and Chemistry of The Earth, 22 (1-2), 87–91
Schilling, F. R.
1997. Physics and Chemistry of The Earth, 22 (1-2), 87–91
Contemporary tectonic stress in northeastern Iberia. New results from borehole breakout analysis
Jurado, M. J.; Mueller, B.
1997. Tectonophysics 282 (1997) H. 1/4 S. 99-116
Jurado, M. J.; Mueller, B.
1997. Tectonophysics 282 (1997) H. 1/4 S. 99-116
Short-scale variations of tectonic regimes in the western European stress province north of the Alps and Pyrenees
Mueller, B.; Wehrle, V.; Zeyen, H.; Fuchs, K.
1997. In: Stress and stress release in the lithosphere. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 199-220. (Tectonophysics. 275,1/3.)
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1997. In: Stress and stress release in the lithosphere. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 199-220. (Tectonophysics. 275,1/3.)
The deep crust of the Southern Rhine Graben: reflectivity and seismicity as images of dynamic processes
Mayer, G.; Mai, P. M.; Plenefisch, T.; Echtler, H.; Lueschen, E.; Wehrle, V.; Mueller, B.; Bonjer, K.-P.; Prodehl, C.; Fuchs, K.
1997. In: Stress and stress release in the lithosphere. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 15-40. (Tectonophysics. 275,1/3.)
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1997. In: Stress and stress release in the lithosphere. Ed.: K. Fuchs. Amsterdam 1997. S. 15-40. (Tectonophysics. 275,1/3.)
In situ stress determination from breakouts in the Tornquist Fan, Denmark
Ask, M. V. S.; Müller, B.; Stephansson, O.
1996. Terra nova, 8 (6), 575–584. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.1996.tb00787.x
Ask, M. V. S.; Müller, B.; Stephansson, O.
1996. Terra nova, 8 (6), 575–584. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.1996.tb00787.x
Interpretation of anomalies in observed stress data at the Central Graben (North Sea) - numerical and analytical approach
Spann, H.; Müller, B.; Fuchs, K.
1994. Soil dyn. & earthquake engng. 13 (1994) S. 1-11
Spann, H.; Müller, B.; Fuchs, K.
1994. Soil dyn. & earthquake engng. 13 (1994) S. 1-11
Tectonic stress in Europe. Borehole guided waves affected by stress-induced anisotropy. Dissertation
Mueller, B.
1993. Fak. f. Physik, Diss. v. 2.7.1993., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Mueller, B.
1993. Fak. f. Physik, Diss. v. 2.7.1993., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Regional patterns of tectonic stress in Europe
Mueller, B.; Zoback, M.-L.; Fuchs, K.; Mastin, L.; Gregersen, S.; Pavoni, N.; Stephansson, O.; Ljunggren, C.
1992. J. of geophys. res. B 97 (1992) S. 11783-11804
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1992. J. of geophys. res. B 97 (1992) S. 11783-11804
Mixed oxides for low-temperature oxygen sensors; phase characterization, spectroscopic and electrical investigations of titania-doped yttria-stabilized Zirconia
Vohrer, U.; Wiemhöfer, H. D.; Göpel, W.; Schilling, F. R.; Arndt, J.
1991. Sensors and Actuators B, 4 (3-4), 411–416
Vohrer, U.; Wiemhöfer, H. D.; Göpel, W.; Schilling, F. R.; Arndt, J.
1991. Sensors and Actuators B, 4 (3-4), 411–416
European stress: contributions from borehole breakouts
Brereton, R.; Mueller, B.
1991. Philosoph. trans. of the Royal Soc., London A 337 (1991) S. 165-179
Brereton, R.; Mueller, B.
1991. Philosoph. trans. of the Royal Soc., London A 337 (1991) S. 165-179
Stress orientation in the North Sea and Fennoscandia - a comparison to the central European stressfield
Clauss, B.; Marquart, G.; Fuchs, K.
1990. In: Earthquakes at North-Atlantic passive margins: neotectonics and postglacial rebound. Proc. of the NATO Advanced Workshop, Vordingborg, Denmark 1988. Ed.: P.W. Basham. 1989. S. 277-287
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Global patterns of tectonic stress
Zoback, M. L.; Zoback, M. D.; Adams, J.; Assumpção, M.; Bell, S.; Bergman, E. A.; Blümling, P.; Brereton, N. R.; Müller, B. C.; Fuchs, K.; u. a.
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Die Entkoppelung des tektonischen Spannungsfeldes an der Jura-Überschiebung
Müller, W. H.; Blümling, P.; Becker, A.; Clauss, B.
1987. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 80 (2), 473–489
Müller, W. H.; Blümling, P.; Becker, A.; Clauss, B.
1987. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 80 (2), 473–489
Combined Monitoring at the Enguri Arch Dam in Georgia
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Schilling, F. R.; Röckel, T.; Tsereteli, N.; Rebmeister, M.; Andreas, S.; Westerhaus, M.; Rietbrock, A.
2024, November 7. Workshop on Induced Seismicity (2024), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 7.–8. November 2024
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Schilling, F. R.; Röckel, T.; Tsereteli, N.; Rebmeister, M.; Andreas, S.; Westerhaus, M.; Rietbrock, A.
2024, November 7. Workshop on Induced Seismicity (2024), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 7.–8. November 2024
New Insights from High- Accuracy Localizations and Geomechanical Models on Flooding-Induced Seismicity in an Abandoned Coal Mine in the Ruhr Area (Germany)
Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Fischer, K. D.; Friederich, W.
2024, September 23. 39th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC 2024), Korfu, Griechenland, 22.–27. September 2024
Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Fischer, K. D.; Friederich, W.
2024, September 23. 39th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC 2024), Korfu, Griechenland, 22.–27. September 2024
From Petro- and Geophysical Measurements to Induced Seismicity - A Case Study at the Enguri High Arch Dam
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Westerhaus, M.; Rietbrock, A.; Weisgerber, J.; Röckel, T.; Karamzadeh Toularoud, N.; Tsereteli, N.; Tugushi, N.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Svanadze, D.; Schilling, F. R.
2024, Juni 7. Sektionstreffen der Sektionen Petrologie/Petrophysik und Geochemie (2024), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 7.–8. Juni 2024
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Westerhaus, M.; Rietbrock, A.; Weisgerber, J.; Röckel, T.; Karamzadeh Toularoud, N.; Tsereteli, N.; Tugushi, N.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Svanadze, D.; Schilling, F. R.
2024, Juni 7. Sektionstreffen der Sektionen Petrologie/Petrophysik und Geochemie (2024), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 7.–8. Juni 2024
Stress and Strain Changes in Response to Reservoir Water Level Variations - A Case Study of the Enguri High-Head Arch Dam in the Caucasus
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Westerhaus, M.; Rietbrock, A.; Weisgerber, J.; Röckel, T.; Karamzadeh, N.; Tsereteli, N.; Tugushi, N.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Svanadze, D.; Schilling, F.
2024, April 18. EGU General Assembly (2024), Wien, Österreich, 14.–19. April 2024. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16938
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Westerhaus, M.; Rietbrock, A.; Weisgerber, J.; Röckel, T.; Karamzadeh, N.; Tsereteli, N.; Tugushi, N.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Svanadze, D.; Schilling, F.
2024, April 18. EGU General Assembly (2024), Wien, Österreich, 14.–19. April 2024. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16938
Faults and the stress state–a complicated relationship
Ziegler, M.; Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Seithel, R.; Rajabi, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Röckel, L.; Müller, B.; Kohl, T.
2024. 84. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG 2024), Jena, Deutschland, 10.–14. März 2024
Ziegler, M.; Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Seithel, R.; Rajabi, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Röckel, L.; Müller, B.; Kohl, T.
2024. 84. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG 2024), Jena, Deutschland, 10.–14. März 2024
Integrales Monitoringkonzept an der Enguri Bogenstaumauer
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Tsereteli, N.; Aberle, B.; Rebmeister, M.; Schenk, A.; Weisgerber, J.; Westerhaus, M.; Rietbrock, A.; Schilling, F.
2024. Messtechnische Überwachung von Stauanlagen ; XIII. Mittweidaer Talsperrentag, 47–51, Hochschule Mittweida. doi:10.48446/opus-15213
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Tsereteli, N.; Aberle, B.; Rebmeister, M.; Schenk, A.; Weisgerber, J.; Westerhaus, M.; Rietbrock, A.; Schilling, F.
2024. Messtechnische Überwachung von Stauanlagen ; XIII. Mittweidaer Talsperrentag, 47–51, Hochschule Mittweida. doi:10.48446/opus-15213
Ultraschallsonde zur Detektion von Fehlstellen in Erdwärmesonden
Fuchs, H.; Steger, H.; Zorn, R.; Schilling, F. R.
2023, Oktober 18. Der Geothermiekongress (DGK 2023), Essen, Deutschland, 17.–19. Oktober 2023
Fuchs, H.; Steger, H.; Zorn, R.; Schilling, F. R.
2023, Oktober 18. Der Geothermiekongress (DGK 2023), Essen, Deutschland, 17.–19. Oktober 2023
FloodRisk – Postmining, mine water rebound, microseismicity, and ground movements
Quandt, D.; Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Allgaier, F.; Even, M.; Ukelis, O.; Greve, J.; Alber, M.; Busch, B.; Czerwonka-Schröder, D.; Fischer, K.; Friederich, W.; Knaak, M.; Müller, B.; Müller, L.; Rettenmaier, D.; Röckel, T.; Schilling, F.; Westerhaus, M.; Zorn, R.; Hilgers, C.
2023. 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 1–5, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). doi:10.3997/2214-4609.2023101265
Quandt, D.; Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Allgaier, F.; Even, M.; Ukelis, O.; Greve, J.; Alber, M.; Busch, B.; Czerwonka-Schröder, D.; Fischer, K.; Friederich, W.; Knaak, M.; Müller, B.; Müller, L.; Rettenmaier, D.; Röckel, T.; Schilling, F.; Westerhaus, M.; Zorn, R.; Hilgers, C.
2023. 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 1–5, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). doi:10.3997/2214-4609.2023101265
Uniform NE-SW Compression in the Devonian Grosmont Formation in NE Alberta: Constraints on Stress Directions and Magnitudes from Analysis of Drilling Induced Tensile Fractures
Niederhuber, T.; Morin, M.; Nycz, J.; Schmitt, D. R.; Müller, B.
2023, Mai 17. GeoConvention (2023), Calgary, Kanada, 15.–17. Mai 2023
Niederhuber, T.; Morin, M.; Nycz, J.; Schmitt, D. R.; Müller, B.
2023, Mai 17. GeoConvention (2023), Calgary, Kanada, 15.–17. Mai 2023
Flooding Induced Seismicity in the Ruhr Area – a geomechanics numerical modelling approach
Niederhuber, T.; Rische, M.; Röckel, T.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2023. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, A, April 23-28, 2023, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15990
Niederhuber, T.; Rische, M.; Röckel, T.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2023. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, A, April 23-28, 2023, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15990
Modelling of the lava dome growth the 2007-2009 dome-building eruption at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.; Zobin, V.
2023. XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. doi:10.57757/IUGG23-0298
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.; Zobin, V.
2023. XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. doi:10.57757/IUGG23-0298
Numerical thermo-mechanical modelling of lava dome growth during the 2007-2009 dome-building eruption at Volcán de Colima
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.
2023. EGU23-1068, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1068
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Tsepelev, I.; Melnik, O.; Schilling, F.
2023. EGU23-1068, Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1068
Spatio-temporal distribution of induced seismicity in flooded mines in the Ruhr area - interpretation by geomechanical numerical modelling
Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Fischer, K. D.; Friederich, W.
2023. 83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG 2023), Bremen, Deutschland, 5.–9. März 2023. doi:10.23689/fidgeo-5764
Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Fischer, K. D.; Friederich, W.
2023. 83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG 2023), Bremen, Deutschland, 5.–9. März 2023. doi:10.23689/fidgeo-5764
Soil gas surveys for post-mining flooding monitoring
Ukelis, O.; Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Rettenmaier, D.; Zorn, R.
2022, September 12. GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.–15. September 2022
Ukelis, O.; Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Rettenmaier, D.; Zorn, R.
2022, September 12. GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.–15. September 2022
Microseismicity in relation to the rise of the mine water level and the regional stress field in the eastern Ruhr area
Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Fischer, K. D.; Friederich, W.
2022, September 12. GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.–15. September 2022
Rische, M.; Niederhuber, T.; Fischer, K. D.; Friederich, W.
2022, September 12. GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.–15. September 2022
Petrographical and petrophysical properties of tight siliciclastic rocks from the Ibbenbueren coal mine with regard to mine flooding
Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Fuchs, H.; Alvarado de la Barrera, A.; Greve, J.; Hilgers, C.
2022, September 12. GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.–15. September 2022
Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Fuchs, H.; Alvarado de la Barrera, A.; Greve, J.; Hilgers, C.
2022, September 12. GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.–15. September 2022
Effect of shock pressure on the Verwey transition in magnetite: Modelling of the magnetic susceptibility with various distributions of transition temperatures
Fuchs, H.; Schilling, F. R.; Kontny, A.
2022, September 12. GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.–15. September 2022
Fuchs, H.; Schilling, F. R.; Kontny, A.
2022, September 12. GeoMinKöln (2022), Köln, Deutschland, 11.–15. September 2022
Mathematical and Numerical Models of Lava Dome Dynamics
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.; Tsepelev, I.
2022, Juni 23. 33rd IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG 2022), Online, 20.–24. Juni 2022
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.; Tsepelev, I.
2022, Juni 23. 33rd IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG 2022), Online, 20.–24. Juni 2022
Geomechanics in Underground Technologies for Renewable Energy supply: The example of Enguri power tunnel leakage
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Schilling, F.; Aberle, B.
2022, Juni 15. DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung 2022 – Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies – Key Elements towards a Low Carbon World (2022), Celle, Deutschland, 15.–16. Juni 2022
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Schilling, F.; Aberle, B.
2022, Juni 15. DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung 2022 – Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies – Key Elements towards a Low Carbon World (2022), Celle, Deutschland, 15.–16. Juni 2022
Geomechanical explanation of the Enguri power tunnel leakage
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Schilling, F.; Aberle, B.
2022, Mai 26. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2022), Wien, Österreich, 23.–27. Mai 2022. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11830
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B. I. R.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Schilling, F.; Aberle, B.
2022, Mai 26. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2022), Wien, Österreich, 23.–27. Mai 2022. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11830
Fracture network characterization and DFN modelling of the Upper Carboniferous, Ruhr Area, Germany
Allgaier, F.; Busch, B.; Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2021, September 23. GeoKarlsruhe (DGGV 2021), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–24. September 2021
Allgaier, F.; Busch, B.; Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2021, September 23. GeoKarlsruhe (DGGV 2021), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–24. September 2021
Slip tendency of faults and pore pressure evolution in the “Wasserprovinz Haus Aden” – Ruhr area
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Müller, L.; Röckel, T.; Schilling, F.; Allgaier, F.; Rische, M.
2021, September 22. GeoKarlsruhe (DGGV 2021), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–24. September 2021. doi:10.48380/dggv-mfrq-d150
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Müller, L.; Röckel, T.; Schilling, F.; Allgaier, F.; Rische, M.
2021, September 22. GeoKarlsruhe (DGGV 2021), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–24. September 2021. doi:10.48380/dggv-mfrq-d150
Numerical modeling of the stress state around the Enguri power tunnel
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Schilling, F.
2021, September 21. GeoKarlsruhe (DGGV 2021), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–24. September 2021
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Kalabegishvili, M.; Schilling, F.
2021, September 21. GeoKarlsruhe (DGGV 2021), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–24. September 2021
New insights on the origin of borehole breakouts from LWD observations
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.; Bender, F.; Kohl, T.
2021, September 14. Celle Drilling - International Conference and Exhibition for Advanced Drilling Technology (2021), Online, 14. September 2021
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.; Bender, F.; Kohl, T.
2021, September 14. Celle Drilling - International Conference and Exhibition for Advanced Drilling Technology (2021), Online, 14. September 2021
Lithospheric block-and-fault dynamics modelling: What did we learn about large earthquake occurrences and seismic hazard? (by invitation)
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Soloviev, A.
2021, August 23. Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA-IASPEI (2021), Online, 21.–27. August 2021
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Soloviev, A.
2021, August 23. Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA-IASPEI (2021), Online, 21.–27. August 2021
Special Talk - Nexus of Earth observations, natural hazard analysis and risk assessments to impact policymaking (Invited)
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2021, Mai 24. NSF Convergence Workshop on "Bringing Land, Ocean, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Data to the Community for Hazards Alerts" (2021), Washington, DC, USA, 24.–28. Mai 2021
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2021, Mai 24. NSF Convergence Workshop on "Bringing Land, Ocean, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Data to the Community for Hazards Alerts" (2021), Washington, DC, USA, 24.–28. Mai 2021
Integrating digitized fracture data in geological 3D models, Upper Carboniferous, Ruhr area, Germany
Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2021, April 21. DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung "Shaping the Energy Transitionwith Upstream and Storage Technologies" (2021), Online, 21. April 2021
Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2021, April 21. DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung "Shaping the Energy Transitionwith Upstream and Storage Technologies" (2021), Online, 21. April 2021
Numerical Modeling of the 2007-2009 Lava Dome Growth in the Crater of Volcán de Colima, México
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2021. GeoKarlsruhe (DGGV 2021), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–24. September 2021. doi:10.48380/dggvt14h-wg06
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2021. GeoKarlsruhe (DGGV 2021), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 19.–24. September 2021. doi:10.48380/dggvt14h-wg06
Data-Driven Numerical Modeling of the Lava Dome Growth at Volcán de Colima, Mexico During 2007-2009
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.; Tsepelev, I.; Zobin, V.
2021. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (2021), New Orleans, LA, USA, 13.–17. Dezember 2021
Zeinalova, N.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Melnik, O.; Tsepelev, I.; Zobin, V.
2021. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (2021), New Orleans, LA, USA, 13.–17. Dezember 2021
Großskalige Experimente zur Dichtigkeit von Bohrlöchern bei zyklischer Belastung
Schulz, M.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2020, Januar 9. SUBI Kolloquium (2020), Wiesbaden, Deutschland, 9.–10. Januar 2020
Schulz, M.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2020, Januar 9. SUBI Kolloquium (2020), Wiesbaden, Deutschland, 9.–10. Januar 2020
Evaluation of Temperature-Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility Curves around the Verwey Transition: Insights into the Deformation History of Magnetite
Fuchs, H.; Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Schilling, F. R.
2019, Dezember 10. Fall Meeting (AGU 100 2019), San Francisco, CA, USA, 9.–13. Dezember 2019
Fuchs, H.; Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Schilling, F. R.
2019, Dezember 10. Fall Meeting (AGU 100 2019), San Francisco, CA, USA, 9.–13. Dezember 2019
Reservoir Stress Path for Underground Gas Storage
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Rudolph, T.; Schilling, F.; Schmitt, D. R.
2019, Dezember. Fall Meeting (AGU 100 2019), San Francisco, CA, USA, 9.–13. Dezember 2019
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Rudolph, T.; Schilling, F.; Schmitt, D. R.
2019, Dezember. Fall Meeting (AGU 100 2019), San Francisco, CA, USA, 9.–13. Dezember 2019
Drilling induced borehole breakouts - new insights from LWD data analysis
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2019, November 22. EAGE/BVG/FKPE Joint Workshop on Borehole Geophysics and Geothermal Energy (2019), München, Deutschland, 22. November 2019
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2019, November 22. EAGE/BVG/FKPE Joint Workshop on Borehole Geophysics and Geothermal Energy (2019), München, Deutschland, 22. November 2019
DAMAST. Dams and Seismicity - Technologies for risk reduction
Müller, B.; Röckel, T.
2019, November 21. (Damast-Team, Hrsg.), Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe Induzierte Seismizität (AGIS 2019), Hannover, Deutschland, 21.–22. November 2019
Müller, B.; Röckel, T.
2019, November 21. (Damast-Team, Hrsg.), Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe Induzierte Seismizität (AGIS 2019), Hannover, Deutschland, 21.–22. November 2019
Analysis of image and drilling logs for formation instability uncertainty analysis
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2019, November 14. Student Technical Congress (STC 2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 14.–15. November 2019
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2019, November 14. Student Technical Congress (STC 2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 14.–15. November 2019
Analysis of injection data for pore pressure and minimum horizontal stress magnitude estimates in the Arbuckle Formation
Schulz, M.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2019, November 14. Student Technical Congress (STC 2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 14.–15. November 2019
Schulz, M.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2019, November 14. Student Technical Congress (STC 2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 14.–15. November 2019
Drilling induced borehole breakouts - new insights from LWD data analysis
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2019, Oktober 9. 7th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2019), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 9.–10. Oktober 2019
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2019, Oktober 9. 7th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2019), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 9.–10. Oktober 2019
Drilling induced borehole breakouts - new insights from LWD data analysis
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2019, Oktober 9. 7th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2019), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 9.–10. Oktober 2019
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2019, Oktober 9. 7th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2019), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 9.–10. Oktober 2019
Magnetic signatures of rock deformation
Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Walter, M.; Fuchs, H.; Schilling, F. R.
2019, September 24. GeoMünster (2019), Münster, Deutschland, 22.–25. September 2019
Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Walter, M.; Fuchs, H.; Schilling, F. R.
2019, September 24. GeoMünster (2019), Münster, Deutschland, 22.–25. September 2019
Variations of magnetic Verwey transition: New insights through magnetic susceptibility of magnetite-rich rocks deformed under laboratory seismic-related fatigue loadings
Fuchs, H.; Reznik, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Kontny, A.
2019, September 24. GeoMünster (2019), Münster, Deutschland, 22.–25. September 2019
Fuchs, H.; Reznik, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Kontny, A.
2019, September 24. GeoMünster (2019), Münster, Deutschland, 22.–25. September 2019
Non-invasive investigation of concrete deterioration in aggressive aqueous environments by means of neutron diffraction
Schwotzer, M.; Bogner, A.; Kaltenbach, J.; Scheffzük, C.
2019, September 23. GeoMünster (2019), Münster, Deutschland, 22.–25. September 2019
Schwotzer, M.; Bogner, A.; Kaltenbach, J.; Scheffzük, C.
2019, September 23. GeoMünster (2019), Münster, Deutschland, 22.–25. September 2019
Reducing Systematic Errors in Thermal Diffusivity Laser Flash Measurements Caused by Detector Inherent Delayed Response
Breuer, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2019, Juni 18. 34th International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC 2019), Wilmington, DE, USA, 17.–20. Juni 2019
Breuer, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2019, Juni 18. 34th International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC 2019), Wilmington, DE, USA, 17.–20. Juni 2019
Large Scale Experiments on the Tightness of Boreholes under Cyclic Loading
Schulz, M.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2019, Mai 7. SUBI Kolloquium (2019), Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Deutschland, 7. Mai 2019
Schulz, M.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2019, Mai 7. SUBI Kolloquium (2019), Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Deutschland, 7. Mai 2019
Beitrag zur Geomechanischen Beurteilung von Gasspeichern
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Rudolph, T.; Schilling, F.
2019, April. ÖGEW-DGMK Gemeinschaftstagung (2019), Celle, Deutschland, 25.–26. April 2019
Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Rudolph, T.; Schilling, F.
2019, April. ÖGEW-DGMK Gemeinschaftstagung (2019), Celle, Deutschland, 25.–26. April 2019
Analysis of injection data for pore pressure and minimum horizontal stress magnitude estimates in the Arbuckle Formation
Schulz, M.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2019, März 5. 3rd Schatzalp Workshop on Induced Seismicity (2019), Davos, Schweiz, 5.–8. März 2019
Schulz, M.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2019, März 5. 3rd Schatzalp Workshop on Induced Seismicity (2019), Davos, Schweiz, 5.–8. März 2019
SpannEnD – Modelling the 3D stress state of Germany
Röckel, L.; Ahlers, S.; Morawietz, S.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Reiter, K.; Henk, A.; Hergert, T.; Heidbach, O.; Ankiev, D.; Scheck-Wenderoth, M.
2019. Student Technical Congress (STC 2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 14.–15. November 2019
Röckel, L.; Ahlers, S.; Morawietz, S.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Reiter, K.; Henk, A.; Hergert, T.; Heidbach, O.; Ankiev, D.; Scheck-Wenderoth, M.
2019. Student Technical Congress (STC 2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 14.–15. November 2019
Analysis of image and drilling logs for formation instability uncertainty analysis
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2018, November 8. Student Technical Conference (STC 2018), Freiberg, Deutschland, 8.–9. November 2018
Stricker, K. R.; Schimschal, S.; Kohl, T.; Meixner, J.; Müller, B.; Wessling, S.
2018, November 8. Student Technical Conference (STC 2018), Freiberg, Deutschland, 8.–9. November 2018
Geomechanical considerations about induced seismicity in the Bavarian Molasse Basin
Seithel, R.; Mueller, B.; Kohl, T.
2018, November. German Geothermal Congress (2018), Essen, Deutschland, 27.–29. November 2018
Seithel, R.; Mueller, B.; Kohl, T.
2018, November. German Geothermal Congress (2018), Essen, Deutschland, 27.–29. November 2018
Geomechanical considerations about seismicity induced in the vicinity of geothermal plants
Seithel, R.; Müller, B.; Steiner, U.; Kohl, T.
2018, Oktober. 6th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2018), Straßburg, Frankreich, 10.–11. Oktober 2018
Seithel, R.; Müller, B.; Steiner, U.; Kohl, T.
2018, Oktober. 6th European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2018), Straßburg, Frankreich, 10.–11. Oktober 2018
Potential of in situ triaxial stress experiments using neutron time-of-flight diffraction on po - rous rocks for reducing the risk of subsidence and induced seismicity through gas produc - tion
Müller, B. I. R.; Scheffzük, C.; Breuer, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2018, September 18. German conference for research with synchrotron radiation, neutrons and ion beams at large facilities (SNI 2018), München, Deutschland, 17.–19. September 2018
Müller, B. I. R.; Scheffzük, C.; Breuer, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2018, September 18. German conference for research with synchrotron radiation, neutrons and ion beams at large facilities (SNI 2018), München, Deutschland, 17.–19. September 2018
In situ triaxial deformation experiments on a sandstone sample for strain investigation at the neutron time-of-flight diffractometer EPSILON
Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B. I. R.; Breuer, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2018, September 17. German conference for research with synchrotron radiation, neutrons and ion beams at large facilities (SNI 2018), München, Deutschland, 17.–19. September 2018
Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B. I. R.; Breuer, S.; Schilling, F. R.
2018, September 17. German conference for research with synchrotron radiation, neutrons and ion beams at large facilities (SNI 2018), München, Deutschland, 17.–19. September 2018
Magnetic and structural behaviour of magnetite subjected to cyclic loading under temperature conditions relevant for the upper crust
Fuchs, H.; Reznik, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Kontny, A.
2018, September 3. GeoBonn (2018), Bonn, Deutschland, 2.–6. September 2018
Fuchs, H.; Reznik, B.; Schilling, F. R.; Kontny, A.
2018, September 3. GeoBonn (2018), Bonn, Deutschland, 2.–6. September 2018
In situ strain detection of stress-strain relationships and their controls on progressive damage in marble and quartzite by neutron diffraction experiments
Voigtländer, A.; Leith, K.; Breuer, S.; Müller, I. R. B.; Scheffzük, C.; Schilling, F. R.; Krautblatter, M.
2018, April 11. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2018), Wien, Österreich, 8.–13. April 2018
Voigtländer, A.; Leith, K.; Breuer, S.; Müller, I. R. B.; Scheffzük, C.; Schilling, F. R.; Krautblatter, M.
2018, April 11. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2018), Wien, Österreich, 8.–13. April 2018
Is deep borehole disposal a technical option for Germany?
Bracke, G.; Charlier, F.; Liebscher, A.; Schilling, F.; Röckel, T.
2017. Proceedings of the 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, IHLRWM 2017, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 9th - 13th April 2017, 800–809, American Nuclear Society (ANS)
Bracke, G.; Charlier, F.; Liebscher, A.; Schilling, F.; Röckel, T.
2017. Proceedings of the 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, IHLRWM 2017, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 9th - 13th April 2017, 800–809, American Nuclear Society (ANS)
Neutron Diffraction Investigations on Sorption Processes of Metal Organic Frameworks
Nefedov, A.; Schwotzer, M.; Nair, S.; Gliemann, H.; Wöll, C.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. International Conference "Condensed Matter Research at IBR-2", Dubna, Russia, 9th - 12th October 2017
Nefedov, A.; Schwotzer, M.; Nair, S.; Gliemann, H.; Wöll, C.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. International Conference "Condensed Matter Research at IBR-2", Dubna, Russia, 9th - 12th October 2017
EPSILON@JINR to understand progressive rock strength degradation by in situ strain detection using neutron diffraction
Voigtländer, A.; Leith, K.; Krautblatter, M.; Breuer, S.; Müller, B. I. R.; Scheffzük, C.; Schilling, F. R.
2017. International Conference “Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2”, Dubna, Moscow region, RUS, 9-12 October 2017
Voigtländer, A.; Leith, K.; Krautblatter, M.; Breuer, S.; Müller, B. I. R.; Scheffzük, C.; Schilling, F. R.
2017. International Conference “Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2”, Dubna, Moscow region, RUS, 9-12 October 2017
Neutron diffraction study of elastoplastic behaviour of Al/SiCp metal matrix composite
Gadalińska, E.; Baczmański, A.; Wroński, S.; Wróbel, M.; Lodini, A.; Klosek, V.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. 8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, Grenoble, France, 28th September - 2nd October 2015, 66–73, Trans Tech Publications. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.905.66
Gadalińska, E.; Baczmański, A.; Wroński, S.; Wróbel, M.; Lodini, A.; Klosek, V.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. 8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, Grenoble, France, 28th September - 2nd October 2015, 66–73, Trans Tech Publications. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.905.66
EPSILON @JINR for Geosciences
Schilling, F. R.; Müller, B. I. R.; Breuer, S.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. International Conference “Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2”, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia, 9-12 October 2017
Schilling, F. R.; Müller, B. I. R.; Breuer, S.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. International Conference “Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2”, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia, 9-12 October 2017
Measurements of Elastic and Inelastic Properties of Polycrystalline Samples under Simulated Earth’s Mantle Conditions in Large Volume Apparatus
Müller, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Scheffzük, C.; Breuer, S.; Müller, B. I. R.
2017. 9th High Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar, Saint Malo, F, September 24-28, 2017
Müller, H. J.; Schilling, F. R.; Scheffzük, C.; Breuer, S.; Müller, B. I. R.
2017. 9th High Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar, Saint Malo, F, September 24-28, 2017
Seismic Hazards and Risks : Can we Assess them?
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. Lecture at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2017
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. Lecture at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2017
Seismic and Volcanic Hazards and Risks
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. Public Lecture at El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. Public Lecture at El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017
Integrating Natural Hazard Science with Disaster Risk Reduction Policy
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. WLF 2017 : 4th World Landslide Forum : Landslide Research and Risk Reduction for Advancing Culture of Living with Natural Hazards, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29th May - 2nd June 2017
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. WLF 2017 : 4th World Landslide Forum : Landslide Research and Risk Reduction for Advancing Culture of Living with Natural Hazards, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29th May - 2nd June 2017
From lithosphere dynamics and earthquake modelling through seismic hazard and risk assessments to disaster risk reduction
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. 6CNIS & 2CNISS : 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and 2nd National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (Keynote Lecture), Bucharest, Romania, 14th - 17th June 2017
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. 6CNIS & 2CNISS : 6th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and 2nd National Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (Keynote Lecture), Bucharest, Romania, 14th - 17th June 2017
Constraining lava flow and temperature from surface thermal measurements
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. European Science Foundation Workshop : Uncertainty Quantification in Lava Flow Hazard Modelling, Catania, Italy, 21st -23rd February 2017
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2017. European Science Foundation Workshop : Uncertainty Quantification in Lava Flow Hazard Modelling, Catania, Italy, 21st -23rd February 2017
The neutron time-of-flight diffractometer EPSILON for residual and applied strain analysis on geological samples under uniaxial and triaxial load conditions
Scheffzük Christian; Breuer, S.; Altangerel, B.; Schilling, F.; Müller Birgit
2017. 25th Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society (2017), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 27.–30. März 2017
Scheffzük Christian; Breuer, S.; Altangerel, B.; Schilling, F.; Müller Birgit
2017. 25th Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society (2017), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 27.–30. März 2017
RMS - Reservoir Management and Seismicity : Progress Reports
Müller, B.; Schöner, A.; Schilling, F.; Westerhaus, M.; Zippelt, K.; Lempp, C.; Röckel, T.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung 2017 : Perspektive für Erdöl und Erdgas - Sicher und innovativ aus Deutschland, Celle, Germany, 5th - 6th April 2017
Müller, B.; Schöner, A.; Schilling, F.; Westerhaus, M.; Zippelt, K.; Lempp, C.; Röckel, T.; Scheffzük, C.
2017. DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung 2017 : Perspektive für Erdöl und Erdgas - Sicher und innovativ aus Deutschland, Celle, Germany, 5th - 6th April 2017
Klimaschutz im Zeichen der Beschlüsse von Paris (COP21) : Herausforderungen, Risiken, Chancen
Schilling, F.
2017. CCL 2017 : ClimateCulture-Lab : Werkstatt für einen klimafreundlichen Kulturwandel, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 15. Juli 2017
Schilling, F.
2017. CCL 2017 : ClimateCulture-Lab : Werkstatt für einen klimafreundlichen Kulturwandel, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 15. Juli 2017
Geothermie vor dem Hintergrund des Übereinkommens von Paris 2015 (COP21)
Schilling, F.
2017. DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung, Celle, Deutschland, 5 - 6 April 2017
Schilling, F.
2017. DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung, Celle, Deutschland, 5 - 6 April 2017
Geothermie vor dem Hintergrund der Klimabeschlüsse von Paris (COP21)
Schilling, F.
2017. GeoTHERM Messe & Kongress (2017), Offenburg, Deutschland, 15.–16. Februar 2017
Schilling, F.
2017. GeoTHERM Messe & Kongress (2017), Offenburg, Deutschland, 15.–16. Februar 2017
Energiewende vor dem Hintergrund des Übereinkommens von Paris 2015 (COP21)
Schilling, F.
2017. Kolloquium SPE Student Chapter, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2017
Schilling, F.
2017. Kolloquium SPE Student Chapter, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2017
RMS - Reservoir Management and Seismicity: Entwicklung von strategien zur verringerung von induzierter seismizität in gasfeldern
Müller, B. I. R.; Schilling, F. R.; Wampach, M.; Westerhaus, M.; Zippelt, K.; Lempp, C.; Schöner, A.; Röckel, T.; Scheffzük, C.
2016. DGMK/OGEW - Fruhjahrstagung des Fachbereiches "Aufsuchung und Gewinnung" 2016 - DGMK / OGEW Spring Meeting on "Investigation and Extraction" 2016; Celle; Germany; 21 April 2016 through 22 April 2016, 69–75, Deutsche Wissens. Gesell. fur Erdoel
Müller, B. I. R.; Schilling, F. R.; Wampach, M.; Westerhaus, M.; Zippelt, K.; Lempp, C.; Schöner, A.; Röckel, T.; Scheffzük, C.
2016. DGMK/OGEW - Fruhjahrstagung des Fachbereiches "Aufsuchung und Gewinnung" 2016 - DGMK / OGEW Spring Meeting on "Investigation and Extraction" 2016; Celle; Germany; 21 April 2016 through 22 April 2016, 69–75, Deutsche Wissens. Gesell. fur Erdoel
An Approach to Forward-Model Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction Data for Uniaxial Load Conditions Using the Example of Sandstone
Breuer, S.; Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2016. 24th Annual Meeting of the German Crystallograhical Society (DGK), Stuttgart, Germany, 14th - 17th March 2016
Breuer, S.; Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2016. 24th Annual Meeting of the German Crystallograhical Society (DGK), Stuttgart, Germany, 14th - 17th March 2016
Slip tendency analysis & frictional strength of reservoir rocks in South Germany
Seithel, R.; Müller, B. I. R.; Steiner, U.; Kohl, T.; Henk, A.; Stober, I.
2016. European Geothermal Congress (EGC 2016), Straßburg, Frankreich, 19.–26. September 2016
Seithel, R.; Müller, B. I. R.; Steiner, U.; Kohl, T.; Henk, A.; Stober, I.
2016. European Geothermal Congress (EGC 2016), Straßburg, Frankreich, 19.–26. September 2016
Temporal pore pressure induced stress changes during injection and depletion
Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Fuchs, K.; Röckel, T.; Heidbach, O.
2016. EGU : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17th - 22nd April 2016
Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Fuchs, K.; Röckel, T.; Heidbach, O.
2016. EGU : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17th - 22nd April 2016
Toward paradigm shift in disaster risk research
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. University of the Arctic (UArctic) Congress 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia, 12th - 16th September 2016
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. University of the Arctic (UArctic) Congress 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia, 12th - 16th September 2016
Geohazard research for disaster risk reduction
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. CCGG : 2nd Congress of China Geodesy and Geophysics (Keynote lecture), Nanjing, China, 23rd - 25th September 2016
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. CCGG : 2nd Congress of China Geodesy and Geophysics (Keynote lecture), Nanjing, China, 23rd - 25th September 2016
Geohazard modeling and assessment for disaster risk reduction
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. International Conference on Data Intensive System Analysis for Geohazard Studies, Sochi, Mountain Cluster, Russia, 18th - 21st July 2016
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2016. International Conference on Data Intensive System Analysis for Geohazard Studies, Sochi, Mountain Cluster, Russia, 18th - 21st July 2016
Moving the Frontier in Geoscience by Neutron Experiments
Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Müller, H. J.
2016. German Conference on Neutron Scattering 2016 : Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung DN2016, Kiel, Germany, 20th - 22nd September 2016 Abstract & Poster at the German Neutron Scattering Conference 2016
Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Müller, H. J.
2016. German Conference on Neutron Scattering 2016 : Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung DN2016, Kiel, Germany, 20th - 22nd September 2016 Abstract & Poster at the German Neutron Scattering Conference 2016
Deep borehole disposal: a multi-geobarrier-approach
Schilling, F. R.
2016. ENTRIA Summer School : Radiation Exposure and Disposal Options for Nuclear Waste, Bad Honnef, Germany, 5th - 16th August 2016
Schilling, F. R.
2016. ENTRIA Summer School : Radiation Exposure and Disposal Options for Nuclear Waste, Bad Honnef, Germany, 5th - 16th August 2016
Conceptual ideas on multi-barrier systems for repositories in deep well A German‘s view on deep well repositories
Schilling, F.
2016. International Meeting on Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD), The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 13th - 15th June 2016 Sheffield DBD Congress
Schilling, F.
2016. International Meeting on Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD), The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 13th - 15th June 2016 Sheffield DBD Congress
Residual and Applied Strain Investigation on Sandstone Samples Using Neutron Time-of-Flight Diffraction at the Strain Diffractometer Epsilon
Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Breuer, S.; Schilling, F.
2016. German Conference on Neutron Scattering, Kiel, Germany, 20th - 22nd September 2016
Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Breuer, S.; Schilling, F.
2016. German Conference on Neutron Scattering, Kiel, Germany, 20th - 22nd September 2016
An Approach to Forward-Model Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction Data for Uniaxial Load Conditions Using the Example of Sandstone
Breuer, S.; Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2016. German Conference on Neutron Scattering, 20.-22. September 2016, Kiel, Germany
Breuer, S.; Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2016. German Conference on Neutron Scattering, 20.-22. September 2016, Kiel, Germany
Residual and Applied Strain Investigation on Sandstone Samples Using Neutron Time-of-Flight Diffraction at the Strain Diffractometer Epsilon, IBR-2M Dubna
Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Breuer, S.; Altangerel, B.; Schilling, F.
2016. International Conference on Contemporary Physics (ICCP), June 7-10, 2016, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.; Breuer, S.; Altangerel, B.; Schilling, F.
2016. International Conference on Contemporary Physics (ICCP), June 7-10, 2016, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Application of neutron-TOF-diffraction techniques for the observation of residual stress changes due to brittle fracture in intact rock
Voigtländer, A.; Leith, K.; Scheffzük, C.; Walter, J. M.; Krautblatter, M.
2015. Meca Sens VIII : 8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation 2015, Grenoble, France, 30th September - 2nd October 2015
Voigtländer, A.; Leith, K.; Scheffzük, C.; Walter, J. M.; Krautblatter, M.
2015. Meca Sens VIII : 8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation 2015, Grenoble, France, 30th September - 2nd October 2015
Seismic Hazard, Earthquakes, and Disasters : Could We Predict Them
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2015. 10th International Workshop on Modern Methods of Processing and Interpretation of Seismological Data, Novkhany, Azerbaijan, 14th - 18th September 2015
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2015. 10th International Workshop on Modern Methods of Processing and Interpretation of Seismological Data, Novkhany, Azerbaijan, 14th - 18th September 2015
Science-Driven Disaster Risk Research and Assessment
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2015. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, California, 14th - 18th December 2015
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2015. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, California, 14th - 18th December 2015
Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle in tiefen Bohrlöchern
Schilling, F.
2015. 44. Geomechanik-Kolloquium, Leipzig, Deutschland, 13. November 2015
Schilling, F.
2015. 44. Geomechanik-Kolloquium, Leipzig, Deutschland, 13. November 2015
An Approach to Model Neutron Diffraction Pattern of Uniaxial Deformed Sandstone Using Elastic Properties of Quartz
Schilling, F.; Breuer, S.; Scheffzuek, C.; Mueller, B.
2015. AGU Fall Meeting 2015 : San Francisco, 14th - 18th December 2015
Schilling, F.; Breuer, S.; Scheffzuek, C.; Mueller, B.
2015. AGU Fall Meeting 2015 : San Francisco, 14th - 18th December 2015
Seismic Risk : Fracking, Waste Water Disposal, and Deep Geothermal Energy
Schilling, F.
2015. Cologne Geosciences Colloquium, Winter Semester 2015/16, Karlsruhe, Germany, 16th November 2015
Schilling, F.
2015. Cologne Geosciences Colloquium, Winter Semester 2015/16, Karlsruhe, Germany, 16th November 2015
Analysis of Stress Heterogeneities in Fractured Crystalline Reservoirs
Sahara, D. P.; Schoenball, M.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.
2015. World Geothermal Congress (WGC 2015), Melbourne, Australien, 19.–25. April 2015
Sahara, D. P.; Schoenball, M.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.
2015. World Geothermal Congress (WGC 2015), Melbourne, Australien, 19.–25. April 2015
Residual strain analysis by neutron-TOF-diffraction on altered granites from the well EPS1 of the geothermal site in Soultz-sous-Forêts, France
Meller, C.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.
2015. ECNS 2015 : 6th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Zaragoza, Spain, 30th August - 4th September 2015
Meller, C.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.
2015. ECNS 2015 : 6th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Zaragoza, Spain, 30th August - 4th September 2015
Neutron-TOF-diffraction for residual strain analysis of altered granites from the geothermal site in Soultz-sous-Forêts, France
Meller, C.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.
2015. Mecasens VIII: 8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation, Grenoble, France, 30th September - 2nd October 2015
Meller, C.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.
2015. Mecasens VIII: 8th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation, Grenoble, France, 30th September - 2nd October 2015
Analysis of Stress Heterogeneities in Fractured Crystalline Reservoirs
Sahara, D. P.; Schoenball, M.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.
2015. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19th - 25th April, 2015. Ed.: IGA, 9 S., International Geothermal Association (IGA)
Sahara, D. P.; Schoenball, M.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.
2015. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19th - 25th April, 2015. Ed.: IGA, 9 S., International Geothermal Association (IGA)
An Approach to Model Neutron Diffraction Patterns of Uniaxially Deformed Sandstone Using Elastic Properties of Quartz
Breuer, S.; Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.
2015. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December, 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, USA
Breuer, S.; Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.; Müller, B.
2015. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December, 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, USA
An Approach to Model Mineral’s Bulk Moduli K from their Chemical Composition and Density ρ
Breuer, S.; Schilling, F.; Müller, B.; Drüppel, K.
2015. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December, 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, USA
Breuer, S.; Schilling, F.; Müller, B.; Drüppel, K.
2015. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December, 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, USA
Application of Image Log Data for Geomechanical Reservoir Characterization of a Geothermal Project
Seithel, R.; Steiner, U.; Müller, B. I. R.; Kohl, T.; Hecht, C.
2014. IGC 2014 : 10th International Geothermal Conference, Freiburg, Germany, 14th - 16th May 2014
Seithel, R.; Steiner, U.; Müller, B. I. R.; Kohl, T.; Hecht, C.
2014. IGC 2014 : 10th International Geothermal Conference, Freiburg, Germany, 14th - 16th May 2014
How neutron experiments on reservoir rocks can help to better predict induced earthquakes : In situ determination of pore pressure stress coupling in heterogeneous anisotropic media
Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.; Röckel, T.; Müller, B.
2014. SNI 2014 : Deutsche Tagung für Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Großgeräten 2014, Bonn, Germany, 21st - 23rd September 2014
Schilling, F.; Scheffzük, C.; Röckel, T.; Müller, B.
2014. SNI 2014 : Deutsche Tagung für Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Großgeräten 2014, Bonn, Germany, 21st - 23rd September 2014
Challenges and Perspectives of Stress Mapping
Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Heidbach, O.
2014. CanGEA 2014 : Geothermal Conference, Calgary, Canada, 26th - 28th March 2014
Müller, B.; Schilling, F.; Heidbach, O.
2014. CanGEA 2014 : Geothermal Conference, Calgary, Canada, 26th - 28th March 2014
Geological Storage of Gases : Chances, Risks & Perspectives
Müller, B.
2014. XX. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 10th - 13th June 2014
Müller, B.
2014. XX. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 10th - 13th June 2014
Where, When, and Why Does Earthquake Hazard Become Disaster?
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2014. Guest Lecture at the Luxemburg, International Institute of Applied System Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 29th April 2014
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2014. Guest Lecture at the Luxemburg, International Institute of Applied System Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 29th April 2014
Science approach to disaster risk reduction
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2014. GEORISK 2014 : Improving Geophysical Risk Assessment, Forecasting, and Management, Madrid, Spain, 18th - 21st November 2014
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2014. GEORISK 2014 : Improving Geophysical Risk Assessment, Forecasting, and Management, Madrid, Spain, 18th - 21st November 2014
Fracking aus Sicht eines Geowissenschaftlers
Schilling, F. R.
2014. Die Grünen : Vortrag und Debattenabend mit Bundestagsabgeordneten, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 2014
Schilling, F. R.
2014. Die Grünen : Vortrag und Debattenabend mit Bundestagsabgeordneten, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 2014
Geologische CO2 Speicherung : Chance, Risiken, Perspektiven
Schilling, F.
2014. Festsymposium 10 Jahre COORETEC : CO2-Reduktionstechnologien, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Berlin, Deutschland, 1-2 Oktober 2014
Schilling, F.
2014. Festsymposium 10 Jahre COORETEC : CO2-Reduktionstechnologien, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Berlin, Deutschland, 1-2 Oktober 2014
Neutron time-of-flight diffraction experiments on a gneiss sample from Forsmark, Sweden : Applied, residual strain, and texture investigations in combination with in situ acoustic emission detection
Scheffzük, C.; Zang, A.; Stephansson, O.; Ullemeyer, K.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2014. SNI 2014 : Deutsche Tagung für Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Großgeräten, Bonn, Germany, 21st - 23rd September 2014
Scheffzük, C.; Zang, A.; Stephansson, O.; Ullemeyer, K.; Müller, B.; Schilling, F.
2014. SNI 2014 : Deutsche Tagung für Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Großgeräten, Bonn, Germany, 21st - 23rd September 2014
Applied, residual strain, and texture investigations by means of neutron time-of-flight diffraction combined with acoustic emission detection : Application to a gneiss sample from Forsmark, Sweden
Scheffzük, C.; Zang, A.; Stephansson, O.; Ullemeyer, K.; Schilling, F.
2014. ICOTOM 17 : 17th International Conference on Textures of Materials, Dresden, Germany, 24th - 29th August 2014
Scheffzük, C.; Zang, A.; Stephansson, O.; Ullemeyer, K.; Schilling, F.
2014. ICOTOM 17 : 17th International Conference on Textures of Materials, Dresden, Germany, 24th - 29th August 2014
The neutron TOF strain/stress diffractometer Epsilon-MDS for material sciences and geosciences
Scheffzük, C.; Walther, K.; Schilling, F.
2014. International Conference "Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2", Dubna, Russia, 24th - 27th June 2014
Scheffzük, C.; Walther, K.; Schilling, F.
2014. International Conference "Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2", Dubna, Russia, 24th - 27th June 2014
Disaster Risk and Society
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2014. Keynote Lecture : 50th Anniversary of the Indian Geophysical Union, Hyderabad, India, 9th January 2014
Ismail-Zadeh, A.
2014. Keynote Lecture : 50th Anniversary of the Indian Geophysical Union, Hyderabad, India, 9th January 2014
Application of Image Log Data for Geomechanical Reservoir Characterization of a Geothermal Project
Seithel, R.; Steiner, U.; Müller, B. I. R.; Kohl, T.; Hecht, C.
2014. Proceedings of the IGC 2014 : 10th International Geothermal Conference, Freiburg, Germany, 14th - 16th May 2014
Seithel, R.; Steiner, U.; Müller, B. I. R.; Kohl, T.; Hecht, C.
2014. Proceedings of the IGC 2014 : 10th International Geothermal Conference, Freiburg, Germany, 14th - 16th May 2014
Characterization of tectonic stresses for a Geothermal Project in the southern Molasse basin
Seithel, R.; Steiner, U.; Müller, B. I. R.; Kohl, T.
2013. 2nd European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2013), Straßburg, Frankreich, 24.–25. Oktober 2013
Seithel, R.; Steiner, U.; Müller, B. I. R.; Kohl, T.
2013. 2nd European Geothermal Workshop (EGW 2013), Straßburg, Frankreich, 24.–25. Oktober 2013
Systematic Risk Reduction for Induced Seismicity : Understanding Underlying Common Processes
Schilling, F.
2013. 2nd Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) Conference and Exhibition, Pau, France, 30th September - 4th October 2013
Schilling, F.
2013. 2nd Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) Conference and Exhibition, Pau, France, 30th September - 4th October 2013
Induzierte Seismizität
Schilling, F.
2013. Tagung der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung und des Geotechnologien-Programms, Berlin, Deutschland, 22. November 2013
Schilling, F.
2013. Tagung der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung und des Geotechnologien-Programms, Berlin, Deutschland, 22. November 2013
Geothermie : Chancen, Risiken und Potenziale
Schilling, F. R.
2013. Jahresmitgliederversammlung des BUND Regionalverband Mittlerer Oberrhein, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 18. April 2013
Schilling, F. R.
2013. Jahresmitgliederversammlung des BUND Regionalverband Mittlerer Oberrhein, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 18. April 2013
Strain and texture investigations by means of neutron time-of-flight diffraction : application to polyphase gneisses
Scheffzük, C.; Ullemeyer, K.; Vasin, R.; Naumann, R.; Schilling, F.
2013. MECA SENS 2013 : 7th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, Sydney, Australia, 10th - 12 th September 2013
Scheffzük, C.; Ullemeyer, K.; Vasin, R.; Naumann, R.; Schilling, F.
2013. MECA SENS 2013 : 7th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, Sydney, Australia, 10th - 12 th September 2013
The role of active fractures on borehole breakout development
Sahara, D. P.; Schoenball, M.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.
2013. AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, California, 9th - 13th December 2013
Sahara, D. P.; Schoenball, M.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.
2013. AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, California, 9th - 13th December 2013
Effects of poroelastic coupling on microseismic signatures
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Heidbach, O.
2010. 2009 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 25 - 30, 2009, 1860–1864, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Heidbach, O.
2010. 2009 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 25 - 30, 2009, 1860–1864, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
Stress-induced Spatial Anisotropy of Microseismicity Distributions
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.
2009. Extended abstracts CD-ROM & Exhibitors’ Catalogue of the 71st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009Extended abstracts CD-ROM & Exhibitors’ Catalogue of the 71st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8-11 June 2009, 5, EAGE Publications bv
Schoenball, M.; Müller, T. M.; Müller, B. I. R.
2009. Extended abstracts CD-ROM & Exhibitors’ Catalogue of the 71st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009Extended abstracts CD-ROM & Exhibitors’ Catalogue of the 71st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8-11 June 2009, 5, EAGE Publications bv
Modellierung von porendruckinduzierten Änderungen des Spannungsfelds in Reservoiren
Altmann, J. B.; Dorner, A.; Schoenball, M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Müller, T. M.
2008. Der Geothermiekongress 2008, Karlsruhe, 11.-13. November 2008, 425–433, Geothermische Vereinigung
Altmann, J. B.; Dorner, A.; Schoenball, M.; Müller, B. I. R.; Müller, T. M.
2008. Der Geothermiekongress 2008, Karlsruhe, 11.-13. November 2008, 425–433, Geothermische Vereinigung
Modelling porepressure/stress couping in stressed systems, in First Southern Hemisphere
Müller, B.; Altmann, J.; Dorner, A.; Müller, T. M.; Tingay, M.
2008. Proceedings of SHIRMS 2008 - 1st Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium, 16 - 19 September 2008, Perth, Western Australia. Ed.: Y. Potvin, 275–286, ACG
Müller, B.; Altmann, J.; Dorner, A.; Müller, T. M.; Tingay, M.
2008. Proceedings of SHIRMS 2008 - 1st Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium, 16 - 19 September 2008, Perth, Western Australia. Ed.: Y. Potvin, 275–286, ACG
Towards 3D spatio-temporal pore pressure stress coupling prediction in reservoirs
Altmann, J. B.; Müller, B.; Tingay, M.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, T. M.
2008. 70th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers conference & exhibition (incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008), June 9 - 12, 2008, Rome, Italy, Curran
Altmann, J. B.; Müller, B.; Tingay, M.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, T. M.
2008. 70th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers conference & exhibition (incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008), June 9 - 12, 2008, Rome, Italy, Curran
Attached or not attached: Slab dynamics beneath Vrancea, Romania
Heidbach, O.; Ledermann, P.; Kurfeß, D.; Peters, G.; Buchmann, T.; Sperner, B.; Müller, B.; Nuckelt, A.; Schmitt, G.
2007. Proceedings / International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, October 4 - 6, 2007, Bucharest, Romania. Ed.: G. Schmitt, 18, Matrix ROM
Heidbach, O.; Ledermann, P.; Kurfeß, D.; Peters, G.; Buchmann, T.; Sperner, B.; Müller, B.; Nuckelt, A.; Schmitt, G.
2007. Proceedings / International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, October 4 - 6, 2007, Bucharest, Romania. Ed.: G. Schmitt, 18, Matrix ROM
Geothermal Evolution of the Astrakhan Crest Region of the Pricaspian Basin, Russia
Krupsky, D.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Wilhelm, H.; Volozh, Y.
2006. Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainabe Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region : Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region. Ed. : A. Ismail-Zadeh, 120–131, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Krupsky, D.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Wilhelm, H.; Volozh, Y.
2006. Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainabe Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region : Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region. Ed. : A. Ismail-Zadeh, 120–131, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
State and Origin of the Present-day Stress Field in Sedimentary Basins: New Results from the World Stress Map Project
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M. R. P.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.
2006. Golden Rocks 2006 / Proceedings ofthe 41st US Rock Mechanics Symposium - 50 Years of Rock Mechanics, 17-21 June 2006, Golden, Colorado. Ed.: D. P. Yale, 12, Curran
Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M. R. P.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.
2006. Golden Rocks 2006 / Proceedings ofthe 41st US Rock Mechanics Symposium - 50 Years of Rock Mechanics, 17-21 June 2006, Golden, Colorado. Ed.: D. P. Yale, 12, Curran
The World Stress Map - a freely accessible tool for geohazard
Müller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.
2006. Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, Baku, Azerbaijan, 3 - 6 July 2005. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 19–31, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Müller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.
2006. Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, Baku, Azerbaijan, 3 - 6 July 2005. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 19–31, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Numerical reconstruction of the initial temperature of diapiric structures in the earth: Effect of the heat diffusion
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.
2005. 3rd M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics; Boston, MA; United States; 14 June 2005 through 17 June 2005. Ed.: K.-J. Bathe, 679–682, Elsevier
Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Korotkii, A.; Schubert, G.; Tsepelev, I.
2005. 3rd M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics; Boston, MA; United States; 14 June 2005 through 17 June 2005. Ed.: K.-J. Bathe, 679–682, Elsevier
The World Stress Map - A Freely Accessible Tool For Geohazard Assessment
Müller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.
2005. Recent geodynamics, georisk and sustainable development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, 3-6 July 2005, Baku, Azerbaijan. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 19–31, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Müller, B.; Heidbach, O.; Tingay, M.
2005. Recent geodynamics, georisk and sustainable development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, 3-6 July 2005, Baku, Azerbaijan. Ed.: A. Ismail-Zadeh, 19–31, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Numerical apporach to 3D forward modeling of slow viscous flow
Tsepelev, I. A.; Korotkii, A. I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2003. Computational fluid and solid mechanics 2003 ; proceedings, Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17-20, 2003. Ed.: k.-J. Bathe, 1169–1171, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-008044046-0.50286-4
Tsepelev, I. A.; Korotkii, A. I.; Ismail-Zadeh, A. T.
2003. Computational fluid and solid mechanics 2003 ; proceedings, Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17-20, 2003. Ed.: k.-J. Bathe, 1169–1171, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-008044046-0.50286-4
The World Stress Map (WSM) is a global compilation of information on the crustal present-day stress field maintained since 2009 at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences within Section 2.6 Seismic Hazard and Stress Field and was co-processed and edited, among others, by Dr. B.I.R. Müller.
WSM is an open-access public database and is used by various academic and industrial institutions working in a wide range of Earth science disciplines such as geodynamics, hazard assessment, hydrocarbon exploitations and engineering. The main operational areas are:
- Reservoir characterization and management
- Stability of mines, tunnel, boreholes and waste disposal sites
- Calibration of geomechanical-numerical models
- 4D Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) simulations
- Hazard assessment e.g. by means of fault-slip tendency and fracture potential analysis
For more information, see WSM The World Stress Map Project.
Mediterranean and Central Europe
Supplementary Data - Stress-induced Changes in Magnetite: Insights from a Numerical Analysis of the Verwey Transition
Fuchs, H.; Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Schilling, F. R.
2024, Mai 29. doi:10.35097/hbwBDGIgWbcvTFYc
Fuchs, H.; Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Schilling, F. R.
2024, Mai 29. doi:10.35097/hbwBDGIgWbcvTFYc
The effect of stiffness contrasts at faults on stress orientation
Ziegler, M. O.; Seithel, R.; Niederhuber, T.; Heidbach, O.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.; Rajabi, M.; Reiter, K.; Röckel, L.
2024. Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-1109
Ziegler, M. O.; Seithel, R.; Niederhuber, T.; Heidbach, O.; Kohl, T.; Müller, B.; Rajabi, M.; Reiter, K.; Röckel, L.
2024. Copernicus. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-1109
3D fault sets of Germany and adjacent areas
Röckel, L.; Müller, B. I. R.; Ahlers, S.; Reiter, K.; Hergert, T.; Henk, A.; Heidbach, O.; Schilling, F.
2022, März 10. doi:10.5445/IR/1000143465
Röckel, L.; Müller, B. I. R.; Ahlers, S.; Reiter, K.; Hergert, T.; Henk, A.; Heidbach, O.; Schilling, F.
2022, März 10. doi:10.5445/IR/1000143465
In situ stress database of the greater Ruhr region (Germany) derived from hydrofracturing tests and borehole logs
Kruszewski, M.; Klee, G.; Niederhuber, T.; Heidbach, O.
2022. Copernicus. doi:10.5194/essd-2022-196
Kruszewski, M.; Klee, G.; Niederhuber, T.; Heidbach, O.
2022. Copernicus. doi:10.5194/essd-2022-196
Spannungskarte Deutschland 2016
Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Röckel, T.
2016. GFZ Data Services. doi:10.5880/WSM.Germany2016
Reiter, K.; Heidbach, O.; Müller, B.; Reinecker, J.; Röckel, T.
2016. GFZ Data Services. doi:10.5880/WSM.Germany2016
Tiefe Bohrlöcher
Bracke, G.; Charlier, F.; Harms, U.; Heidbach, O.; Kienzler, B.; Liebscher, A.; Müller, B.; Prevedel, B.; Röckel, T.; Schilling, F.; Sperber, A.
2016. Deutsches GeoForschungszentrum
Bracke, G.; Charlier, F.; Harms, U.; Heidbach, O.; Kienzler, B.; Liebscher, A.; Müller, B.; Prevedel, B.; Röckel, T.; Schilling, F.; Sperber, A.
2016. Deutsches GeoForschungszentrum
Magnetoelectric Coupling in Single-Phase Multiferroics at Room Temperature via Scanning Probe Microscopy. Dissertation
Henrichs, L. F.
2015. Leeds
Henrichs, L. F.
2015. Leeds
Elasticity and Viscoelasticity of Solid SiO2 as a Function of Frequency and Temperature. Dissertation
Klumbach, S.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000051308
Klumbach, S.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000051308
Mit Druck in die Tiefe: Fracking - Beitrag in SWR3 Topthema am 20.11.2014
Wilhelm, A.; Schilling, F.
2014. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2014-828
Wilhelm, A.; Schilling, F.
2014. doi:10.5445/DIVA/2014-828
Visualization of lithosphere subduction: application to the mantle evolution beneath the Japanese Islands
Helfrich-Schkarbanenko, A.; Honda, S.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Sommer, A.; Tsepelev, I.
2013. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000035101
Helfrich-Schkarbanenko, A.; Honda, S.; Ismail-Zadeh, A.; Sommer, A.; Tsepelev, I.
2013. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000035101
Tectonic stress in Europe. Borehole guided waves affected by stress-induced anisotropy. Dissertation
Mueller, B.
1993. Fak. f. Physik, Diss. v. 2.7.1993., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Mueller, B.
1993. Fak. f. Physik, Diss. v. 2.7.1993., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)